“Why are you ignoringmy calls?” Daniel said as he walked into Fletcher’s office on Monday morning and shut the door.


“I called you five times last night and three already this morning.”

Fletcher was, in fact, out of his mind.

He’d told Olivia he loved her last week. He’d nearly fucking proposed to her. And she had rejected him.

Fucking rejectedhim.

He could have proposed to any one of the hundreds of women he’d slept with over the past decade, and they would’ve said yes before the words had left his lips.

Wasn’t that typical of life? Theonewoman he wanted had turned away from him.

Now he had sobered up, everything had come flooding back. He wasn’t okay with any of this. Fletcher understood she was scared and didn’t blame her. Simon was a psychopath. But why couldn’t she see he could fix this?

Fuck the policy.

She wouldn’t need this job if she was living with him and married to him. He had all the money and resources she could ever need. It seemed like a practical solution to him. If she were living with him in the penthouse, he’d know she was safe and protected.

In the background, he could work out a way to deal with Simon and even clear her name from those drug charges.

If Simon had lied in a court of law, he could be charged with perjury. There were all kinds of options available to them.


He looked up.

“Do you have anything to say?” Daniel demanded.

“Olivia resigned last week,” Fletcher replied, leaning back in his black leather executive chair. He should have told Daniel when it happened, but a part of him hadn’t been able to face it.

“Good,” Daniel said in an angry tone.



“Because I received this,” Daniel said, slamming a sheet of paper on the desk in front of him.


That fucking photo again.

He looked up.

“Where did you get this?” He growled, grabbing it.

“It was emailed to me anonymously last night. Minutes before I tried to call you. Five times!” Daniel yelled.

Fletcher ran a hand over his face. He’d turned his phone off yesterday after nearly texting Olivia multiple times. He figured if it was off, by the time he powered it back up and then found her number, it would buy some time to talk himself out of the action.