“These are not peopleyou fuck with, Fletcher,” Daniel said, still frowning at him.

He nodded.

He just wanted their fucking number. If he could tell Daniel everything he would, but the damn policy stopped him.

“I get that. I still want their details.”

Several weeks ago, when Daniel had been blackmailed, he’d recruited the help of a private security company. Fletcher didn’t knowhowthey’d found out the incriminating details that had helped them, and it was better that he didn’t.

Some things were best left unsaid.

Simon Whoever-the-hell-he-was needed to be scared out of his wits, and it sounded like this company could do that.

Fletcher could, with a surname, find out where he worked and have him fired, but he figured the guy would see right through that and retaliate. It wouldn’t take him long to get another job and there were only so many favors Fletcher could pull without it backfiring.

Plus, being on the back foot with global media companies was not a card he would, or could, play on behalf of the Dufort Hotels.

Not even for Olivia.

This wasn’t justhiscompany, and it would be playing with fire to risk the family’s heritage and livelihood. Especially with someone like Simon, who didn’t sound like he played fair.

“You want to tell me what the hell is going on?” Daniel asked, leaning back in his chair.

“No,” he replied.

“This is to do with Olivia, isn’t it?”

He’d known Daniel would piece things together after seeing her fly into his office. His brother wasn’t stupid.

Instead of lying, he was going to be honest.

To a point.

“Yes. I’m helping her with a personal matter,” he replied.

Daniel didn’t believe him; it was clear by his expression, but for some reason he let it go.

“They’re not cheap.”