When he heard the click, he poured two mugs and added all the cream and sugar he knew she liked, and a splash of milk in his.

Stirring his, he stared out across the vast space of his penthouse.

What was he going to do?

He was falling for Olivia. It was time to stop ignoring his feelings.

There had been little talk when they arrived home last night. They’d walked into the bedroom, undressed each other and he’d turned on the shower.

With the hot water running over their bodies from all four shower heads, they’d slowly kissed and caressed one another. He’d lifted her, after thumbing her clit, and spread her creamy juices around with the head of his cock. Then slid deep inside her.

Their combined cries as he placed her on the shower bench and thrust in a deliberate and intense motion had been raw and primal.

Emotion had poured from her as her first orgasm tore from her. She hadn’t voiced how she felt but he could see it in her eyes.

When they stepped out of the shower and brushed their teeth, she had pulled the towel from him and lowered to her knees. He’d clung with one hand to the sink as his cock slid down her throat, releasing once more.

Then she’d swallowed.

Fucking hell, it had been so goddamn sexy.

Fletcher had carried her to bed, where they’d spent hours running their hands and mouths over each other’s bodies, until they couldn’t stand it any longer and he’d thrust inside her with the need of a madman.

She’d met his desire move for move. Moan for moan.

When they lay completely spent, he’d opened his mouth to tell her how he felt, unable to keep the words in any longer. She’d placed a finger on his lips and shaken her head.

Moist eyes met his, and he’d pulled her into his arms, tight, not wanting to let go.

She had fallen asleep and eventually Fletcher had drifted off.

This morning, he’d come awake in a rush. His mind worked a million miles an hour.

Olivia was his.

Whatever it took, he was going to find a way to keep her.


AFTER SPENDING THEday lazing around the penthouse and dodging yet another call from Daniel, it was time for Olivia to leave.

She walked out of the bedroom with her bag and dropped it by the elevator.

“Let’s not do a big emotional goodbye,” she said, as he walked over to her. “I’m going to see you tomorrow in the office.”

He smiled. “I know. It’s not the same though, Liv. Don’t pretend it is.”

She was being so brave, but he kind of hated it.

He saw the sadness in her eyes and wished she’d say something. Just once.

But then again, she had a big motivator. The risk of losing her daughter was real. He got it. But that didn’t mean he was going to accept it.

Not now. Not after what they’d shared.

Whoever this Simon was, Fletcher decided he was going to find a way to deal with him.

He just didn’t know how yet.