Olivia chewed the insideof her mouth as they flew the forty minutes back to Manhattan. This wasn’t her life, and it certainly wasn’t her future, but just for a moment, she had wished it was.

Like really fucking wished it was.

Not the chopper and fancy cars, or even the house on the beach, though it was absolutely stunning and felt like a place she could call home and see Sammy running around and living her best life.

No, it was the moments with Fletcher. Being in his arms. The way he looked at her, feeling desired, adored and... more.

Olivia knew what it was, but she was too scared to let her thoughts go down that dangerous path.

It could never be.

Not while Simon held power over her.

Fletcher reached across, took her hand, and she automatically responded, threading her fingers through his.

When had they become a couple?

Sitting thigh to thigh, flying through the skies as thechop, chop, chopsound of the helicopter blades filled the air. That’s exactly what it felt like.

He squeezed her hand, and she faced him.

“Is Japanese still your favorite?” he asked through the comms.

She nodded.


That sounded promising. It had been an invigorating day out in the sea air. Sushi and a movie would be perfect.

Turned out she was completely wrong.


FREDERICK DROPPED THEMat Columbus Circle, and they walked toward Masa.