Since when did he call her baby?

“Anyway, if it’s deviant you’re after, that’s more Hunter’s style,” he said, settling back in the seat and tucking her into his side. “Actually, forget I said that. Totally inappropriate.”

Fuck, he had to remember she was an employee.

“I probably don’t need to know that,” Olivia said, shaking her head. “So how are we going to ensure we don’t get seen together this weekend?”

It was important to them both that didn’t happen and while he didn’t have a solid plan, with his resources, it wouldn’t be difficult.

“Basically, we’ll just stay in bed and order in.”

Olivia coughed and laughed. “That’s your plan. Sex and delivery?”

He nodded slowly.

That wasn’t at all what he had planned. Not the entire time, anyway.

Fletcher stared out the window as they drove through Manhattan. He’d never spent a weekend with a woman before—a planned weekend. There had been drunken nights which stretched to the next day, but never more than that.

With Olivia, he wanted to impress her.

He had a feeling his multi-million-dollar penthouse wouldn’t do it. She knew he was a very wealthy man, but how she would react to being inside his world was unknown. His personal space would be a different experience, more intimate, than being at the office as colleagues.

Frederick parked, and carried Olivia’s bags to the underground elevator, then left them.

Fletcher pressed his thumb to the pad on the wall, and the elevator car arrived. He carefully watched her take it all in and give him a small, unreadable smile.

When the doors opened, he lifted her overnight bag and placed his hand in the small of her back to direct her inside.

“I’m nervous,” she finally said, glancing up at him.

He was, too.

“You should be. I’m a bad cook, love eighties music and the place is a mess.” He smirked.

“You do not like eighties music.” She grinned, and he could tell she was grateful for the comedic break.

Then the doors opened, and Olivia let out a gasp.

Fletcher was proud of his home. It had featured in top decor magazines over the past few years, yet right now all he cared about was Olivia’s opinion.

He wanted her to love it and feel comfortable here with him.

“Holy hell, look at the view.” She stepped out of the elevator and walked across the vast floor to the windows. “I Googled your penthouse but seeing it in real life... wow.”

She had?

Of course she had. That was just the type of thing Olivia would do to prepare. He dropped her bag and joined her at the window.

“This is just stunning.” She spun around, then her eyes lifted to his.

His heart beamed with pride. Yet, he wondered, as he gazed down at the beauty before him, if Olivia wasn’t the stunning one.

“Daniel’s penthouse is amazing, but this is just gorgeous,” she said.

Ah yes. She’d seen inside his brother’s home a few weeks ago when they’d held a meeting there, after hours, during a media crisis.

“Well, don’t tell him you said that, or your jobmightbe at risk.” Fletcher winked.