“I’ll find out,” Scarlet replied, and tapped on her laptop, already messaging Daniel’s executive assistant.

“Thanks. That’s it from us,” Trina said. “Oh, and we have Pink Shirt Day next month, so we’ll be working with human resources to communicate the bully-free workplace movement and getting everyone involved.”

Olivia uncrossed and crossed her legs under the table and her shoe caught the edge of his pants.

Their eyes met.


“External media,” she began, clearing her throat. “Obviously, the big event on Friday went well. We’ll be going through all the media coverage and reviewing it early this week. Requests are already pouring in for exclusivity for the next opening, for which we planted the seed.” She glanced at him. Coolly. “Well done on that.”

He nodded.

“We’ve had some bad press in Sydney, Australia, after scaffolding collapsed during a routine maintenance. A man broke his leg and collarbone. I’m collaborating closely with the Australian team and supporting them where I can. Good work over there, James.”

“Thanks, Olivia. We’ve had another piece on the breakfast show this morning. Council have been brought in to provide a comment.”

Fletcher shook his head. “Slow news week in Australia, is it?”

James laughed. “Yeah, this is such a non-news piece. We need a politician to say something stupid to distract them.”

“Which could happen by this afternoon,” Olivia laughed.

“You know it, Liv,” James said. His Australian accent was strong as he smirked at her.

What the hell?

Were they flirting?

Fletcher glanced at her and a hint of pink hit her cheeks as she slid a layer of that raspberry lip-gloss on and grinned back at James.

Was she doing that on purpose? Had he never noticed the friendship between them?

Well, he did now, and he wasn’t happy.

“I sent you that file,” Katy said to James and there was more smiling.

Not the same as the smile James had fired to Olivia, though. There was definitely an attraction there.

Not that he could blame the mid-twenties Australian. Olivia was fucking gorgeous.

But she was...


... not his.

“That’s it from Public Relations,” Olivia said, turning from him and glancing out at the team.

A few more of the managers shared their updates and then they did a quick round table so the rest of the team could share or ask questions.

“Thanks everyone,” Fletcher said. “Have a good week. My door is open if you need anything.”

The room slowly cleared out while Olivia stayed seated, tapping and swiping on her tablet. Fletcher walked to the door, closing it when the last person left.

It was something they often did after a team meeting. Unofficially, she was his second in charge, though on the organization chart, all the team managers were at the same level. From time to time, some of the other managers stuck around to chat further about something that had been raised and they wanted to cover without the less senior members of the team present.

Today it was just the two of them.