Sleeping with Fletcher had only made both of them want more.

He wants me.

Part of her soared with joy knowing that.

Who could blame her? Fletcher Dufort was absolutely gorgeous, rich, and adorable.

And he wanted her!

She thought herself lucky to get the job working with him at Dufort Hotels two years ago. Now he wanted her sexually.

Olivia let herself take a little moment to revel in the fact.

Then she shook it off.

Neither of them had a chance at being together, whether it was casual or otherwise. Dufort didn’t allow relationships, and Fletcher couldn’t exactly leave his own family’s company. And she couldn’t afford to lose her job.

If she did, Simon would use that as fodder to get full custody of Sammy. He wouldn’t have to pull another illegal stunt. She would all but hand her daughter over to him.

“He’s just worried about some of the press. I can deal on Monday,” she said.

It would be better if she didn’t respond.

Olivia decided to ignore his message and let him know she was serious about last night being a one-time deal.



FLETCHER SLAMMED HIShand down on the stop button of his treadmill and cursed. He jumped off and grabbed the towel, wiping his forehead, and stared out at the Manhattan skyline.

The clear blue sky did nothing to improve his mood. After sleeping with Olivia last night he thought he’d be flying high.


All he wanted was more of her.

He’d tried to do a few hours of work earlier and ended up gazing out the window, trying to come up with a solution to the asshole ex-husband problem.

He’d come up dry.

Who took a child away from an incredible woman like Olivia? What a sick fucker.

Fletcher had met enough narcissists in business over the years to know the kind of man this Simon was. They were hard to spot initially, but when you started negotiations with them, they soon showed their true colors.

Daniel was a master at messing with them.

He’d love to speak to his older brother and get advice, but Dan would see right through his questioning. Even his brother’s new fiancée wasn’t enough to distract him from what hethoughtwas going on between him and Olivia.

Okay, fine—whatwasgoing on between them.

Fletcher understood the risks for Olivia and was taking it seriously. He’d met Sammy, and she was a gorgeous little girl. No child should be without its mother.

But could he stand back and let some asshole manipulate an innocent woman?


He knew he should step away and focus on getting their relationship back to a professional one. He should find someone to distract him. Someone sexy and... someone who wasn’t the forbidden fruit in every way.