It had deepened their friendship and if Addison ever needed anything, Olivia was the first person to put up her hand to help. Not because she felt indebted, but because true friends were a rare and valuable commodity.

Liv had moved around a lot when she was younger due to being an army brat. When her father died, her mother had moved them to New York, and she’d met Addison at high school.

They both worked in the marketing field and had seen each other marry, have children, and divorce.

Though Addison’s ex-husband wasn’t a psycho, so there was that.

“What’s up today? You look tired,” Addison said.

“We had the opening of the SoHo Dufort last night.”

“Oh, that’s right. How did it go?”

Olivia was tempted to tell her what had happened between her and Fletcher, but the fear ran deep when it came to Simon. She didn’t think Addison would ever tell anyone, but all it would take was one little slip, and she could lose Sammy.

“Really good, but these things go late, so I’m running on empty today.” She tucked her legs under her as they sat on the grass watching the girls try to throw a frisbee.

Olivia had found it in the toy shop earlier in the day, and it had made her smile, reminding her of her childhood. Sammy thought it was a plastic plate, so they’d had to show the girls how it worked.

Watching them toss it and then see it fall flat in front of them was just another funny flashback.

“Throw it up in the air diagonally, like we showed you,” Addison called out. “Not straight up into the sky.”

“This is dumb,” Sammy said, picking it up grumpily and trying again.

“So dumb,” Sienna, who was a year older, mumbled.

Olivia cast Addison a glance, and they tried to hide their sniggers. She’d been expecting the girls to lose interest pretty quickly. They’d be asking for their iPads soon enough.

Her phone beeped. It was Fletcher.


She grappled to get her phone from the grass in front of her.

“He messages you a lot on the weekends,” Addison observed.

Olivia blushed and tried to brush away her reaction.

“Weekends?” she repeated. “Yes. No. Oh, it’s probably because of last night,” she stumbled out, and Addison frowned at her.

She swiped and read the text, staring at it.

I can’t stop thinking of you, dammit. Fletch x

Her entire body buzzed with excitement. She couldn’t meet Addison’s eyes—her friend would see right through her. She cleared her throat and nodded, hoping it would appear like she was thinking about business stuff.

She locked the phone, put it in her handbag and took a swig of water from her bottle.

Addison stared at her. “Bad?”

Yes, it was bad.

Very bad.

Both of them were supposed to have shagged and not looked back.

Instead, she’d spent the day thinking about the way he’d touched her and run his tongue through her swollen needy flesh. She wanted to feel his delicious touch again, but it wasn’t possible.