Fletcher had slippedout just as the sun rose, before plastering Olivia with kisses, and promising to call her over the weekend.

She’d told him not to.

He had given her a frown, and it concerned her that he hadn’t fully understood the risks.

What was clear, though, even if she didn’t want to face it, was their chemistry was off the charts.

But if he called, she couldn’t ignore him. He was her boss and her job meant being available twenty-four-seven in the situation of a media crisis.

She had jumped in the shower and changed into PJs, then climbed back into bed moments before Sammy zombie-walked into her bedroom.

“Mom,” her sweet little voice croaked, sliding in next to her and curling into her chest.

“Morning, darling.” She kissed Sammy’s forehead. “Did you have fun with Lizzy last night?”

Sammy nodded sleepily, not ready to share details of her evening with the babysitter.

Any moment now Sammy would transform into a little firecracker, bouncing around the room at a million miles an hour, so Olivia just lay there, closing her eyes, taking in the last moments of peace and quiet until bedtime.

She never wished her daughter away, like she saw other parents on social media joking about. Shetotallygot it, but after experiencing six months without her, Olivia spent every single day with Sammy counting her blessings. If it meant she had to drag herself through the day on little sleep, she was happy to do that.

Plus, the reason she’d missed out on sleep was not something she was complaining about at all. Her body was aching in places it hadn’t for a long time. And never like this.

Fletcher had been more than she had ever imagined. And she’d done a lot of imagining over the past year. The way he’d focused on her body and pleasure, the way his familiar green eyes had searched deep within her as he joined their bodies, had been overwhelming and yet perfect.

So damn perfect.

But that was it.

They had had their delicious sexy moments together and now they had to move on.

Sadness floated through her.

At least she would see him at work, but there would be pros and cons to that. Still, not having Fletcher in her life, ever, was not something she was ready for.

She’d need to get over him fast. It wouldn’t take long before he was in the media with another woman, whether it was real or not, and Olivia didn’t have the luxury of being able to turn off the news.

It was her job to be on top of it.

Damn it.

“Mom, can we go to the park?” Sammy’s head suddenly popped up, and then she was off.

She scrambled out of the sheets, her little legs kicking, and began jumping up and down, giggling and telling stories about her evening with Lizzy.

Olivia climbed out of bed, threw on a robe, and walked into the kitchen, turning on the coffee maker while nodding and making all the right noise responses, so Sammy thought she was listening.

She was.


“Cereal or pancakes?”