During a global marketing meeting, where team members outside of the United States were connected in via video conference, Fletcher had been standing at the front of the room presenting. With multiple cameras and screens set up he had glanced into one of them and caught her staring at him.


Full of rich heat.

He’d stared into the camera and then slowly swiveled around, and their eyes had locked.

The entire world had vanished in that millisecond as they silently acknowledged the chemistry between them. Thick need and desire flared to life in her eyes and then she had swallowed and dropped her gaze to her tablet.

Fletcher knew in that moment they were in trouble

He had a choice. He could pursue her and breach the Dufort company policy—his own fucking company—that prohibited employees from fraternizing.

Including him.

Or he could... fire her.

And there was no way he was losing a talented employee because he couldn’t control his damn cock.

So he’d beenmanagingit.

Not his cock.

That was out of control—he’d been jerking off daily and it wasn’t helping at all.

Then one night he’d slipped up.

A simple hand on the small of her back as they were leaving a meeting, and Daniel had noticed the connection.

Hell, he hadn’t even noticed how they were standing closer, touching more, grinning at each other more.

But they were.

Fletcher didn’t want to lose her. She was an excellent PR manager, and he knew she needed this job. She was a single mom and... he cared about her.

He was determined to deal with this.

Perhaps he needed a holiday in Bora Bora with a movie star, or supermodel, or some half-naked blond.

The media hadn’t given him that ridiculous nickname for nothing. He had slept with many gorgeous, rich, and famous women. Like his brothers, Fletcher was photographed at events with the latest on his arm and the usual tabloid gossip about whether they were dating, getting married, or about to become parents.

He could have saved them all the trouble.

He would be doing none of those things.

Daniel may have fallen, but Fletcher had no intention of marrying and suffering through a miserable marriage like his parents.

And being a parent? Jesus, no.

It appeared he loved sex as much as Jonathan Dufort. He wasn’t going to put a child through the same misery that he’d endured, watching his father disrespect his mother and fuck everything else in sight.

There were seven billion people on the planet. That was a sufficient number to keep his cock busy until he was dead.

Eventually, he’d find someone to take his mind off Olivia. Until then, he’d... well, he hadn’t worked out a solution yet.

But he’d find one.

Or asomeone.