This time, he was parked outside her apartment and Frederick had the evening off. She’d spot his car if she was looking, but he didn’t care.

He wanted her to listen to what he said, just for a few minutes.

A cab pulled up and Olivia climbed out.

God, she was a sight for sore eyes.

She wore a pair of tight blue jeans, tan boots, and a long coat. Her hair was half hidden under a woolen hat.

The cab drove off, and she began to walk up the stairs to her brownstone when she paused, before turning to stare at him leaning against his car.

Fletcher took a few steps and stopped before her. Her eyes were full of emotion, and it took a lot of effort to not reach out and run his fingers down her cheek.

He smiled. It was a small, warm smile which he hoped would let her know he was here to help, not upset her.

She returned his smile, then turned and walked up the rest of the steps.

He followed.

Her keys jingled in her shaking hands for what felt like hours as he stood behind her, dying to touch the back of her neck. Then finally they were inside, and the door closed.

She pulled off her coat and hat, hung it up and then took his.

Then she turned.

“Hi,” she said softly.

“Liv,” he said thickly, and pulled her into his arms, resting his forehead on hers, his eyes closed as he breathed her in. “God, I miss you.”

When he released her, they walked further into the house, and she pulled a couple of bottles of water out of the fridge.

“I’ve drunk too much this past week,” she said. “Is water okay?”

He smiled. “Me too. And yes.”

He took the bottle from her, realizing that winging it may not have been the best strategy. He still didn’t have any answers, but he couldn’t stay away.

And, whether Olivia loved him or not, he couldn’t sit back and let Simon hurt her.

They sat at the small dining table, and it was all kinds of awkward. She smiled at him and sipped her water.

He cut straight to the chase.

“The anti-fraternization policy is dead. It’s been removed.”

Her mouth fell open. “How?”

“I fought for it. It’s outdated—we both know that. And, as it turns out, many of the executive team felt the same. It was a bit of a battle, but in the end, the majority voted it out.”

“Is Daniel pissed?” she asked.

He smirked. “A little. But he’s not a dictator, so he accepted the vote.”

She pressed her lips together and smiled. “I’m glad.”

“So the photo remains out of the public eye.” He said, leading the conversation to his next point.

Olivia let out a sigh. “For now.”