Two days later, Harper’s tears had nearly dried up. She missed Daniel more than she should have for someone she had only known a week. She spent far too much time checking her texts and lying to herself about it.

The BookFlix team had left yesterday afternoon, so she had Facetimed Kristen and burst into tears, telling her everything.

Harper had planned to change her flights and return home, but Kris had talked her out of it, reminding her she was in Fucking Hawaii, girlfriend.

Despite everything, Harper had smiled.

“Yeah. You’re right.”

“Don’t let a dumb boy ruin everything. This is an exciting moment in your career.” Kristen had said. “Do you know how many authors would love to be in your shoes right now?”

Harper had nodded humbly.

She knew how fortunate she was. Very. But they were different things. Being grateful for her career was one thing. Falling for the wrong man—again—was quite the other. Clearly, she was not designed for casual relationships. She’d probably fall in love with a tree if it hugged her back.

“Dig out your holiday list and get focused,” Kristen instructed her. “It’s nice he apologized and maybe he is, or maybe he isn’t, marrying this chick, but you don’t want to get tied up in all that rich folk stuff.”

Harper had snorted. “Rich folk stuff?”

Kristen had shrugged. “Yeah, you know, they marry each other to build their fortunes. It’s super creepy. No love involved.”

Harper's eyes glazed over as she recalled what Daniel had said about his father wanting the marriage to go ahead. What must it feel like to be forced into these things?

For a moment, she felt sorry for him. Then she felt something shift within her.

“You know, Kris, I have no right being this hurt and upset. He never promised me anything,” Harper said, frowning. “Nor did I ask for anything. We simply fell into this holiday romance, and things got really intense.”

“So, what are you saying?”

Harper sighed.

“Perhaps I overreacted. If he was engaged, it would have made him a complete asshole, but when I gave him the opportunity to explain, and he told me he wasn’t and isn’t, I could have let it go,” she said. “I mean, his father is trying to coerce him. That’s not his fault.”


Harper interrupted her. “I’m not saying I’m going to jump back in, but I don’t need to be so mad. You know? Whatever is going on in New York is none of my business. Daniel hasn’t cheated on anyone, least of all me.”

Kristen shrugged and nodded. “All of that is true.”

“I just don’t want to walk around mad at life anymore. I did enough of that with David.”

If she was being honest with herself, the time she’d spent with Daniel was the most romantic and wonderful days and nights she’d ever experienced. He’d been funny, respectful, protective, and deliciously possessive. The sex, intoxicating.

Harper would not regret it for another day.

The only regret she did have was that Daniel wouldn’t be the man she’d spent the rest of her life with.

And she’d had no idea she had even felt like that about him. Or perhaps she did, but she was trying to ignore it.

No matter how she looked at it, they were always going to part ways.

Harper bunched her lips.

“You know he’s probably a pain in the ass to live with in real life,” she said, letting out a little laugh. “Like, he probably leaves the toilet seat up and scrunches the toothpaste tube.”

Kristen nodded and failed badly at hiding the pity from her face. “Babes, were you actually thinking it would be something real?”