Daniel leaned his arm on the counter as Harper swiped her card yet again. It was taking a lot of willpower not to hand over his black Amex with every purchase.

Neither of them were really focused on shopping, and they both knew it. It was a battle of wills and if Harper thought he wasn’t aware of it, she was kidding herself.

Daniel played these games every fucking day. He did give her ten points for effort, though. He could tell she was dying for his cock inside her, and he wasn’t being an asshole for saying so.

He wanted her just as damn much.

Daniel loved how sexually charged Harper was, and how his every touch was driving her insane.

They stepped onto the escalator, and he ran his hand down her back, letting it sit on her ass as he tugged her closer. When she glanced up at him, he lowered his lips to touch hers gently.

Her jolty breaths went straight to his dick.

“Shall we go home?” he grinned.

“No,” she said stubbornly, and he cursed under his breath, then grinned. He loved her resilience, but Daniel didn’t know how much of his own he had left in him.

Why hadn’t he met a woman who made him feel like this before?

He’d said his need to possess her came from being such a dominant man, which was true, but never had he felt this obsessed. Or obsessed at all. Very new.

He brushed his hand over her hair and Harper leaned into him.

God, she felt amazing.

Sex aside, Harper fit. Like trying on a custom-made suit or a half-million-dollar watch and thinking, fuck yes, this is perfect. She fit against him, around his cock, and in his arms.

Daniel glanced down at her shopping bags, some of which he carried, and made a decision. Harper wasn’t going home without a piece of him to remember.

He might not be able to keep her forever, but she meant something to him.

He just wasn’t sure why.

Or how she’d got inside her heart


THEY GRABBED SOME ICE-cold drinks, both of them feeling the heat of the day and the miles they’d walked. Harper dropped to the steps outside Neiman Marcus, so he sat beside her.

“Are you actually enjoying yourself? I can’t tell.”

“Watching you, yes,” he answered honestly and lifted the bottle to his lips.

“Do you want to buy anything while we’re here?”

Daniel stared out at the stores in front of them. “Yes. But I’m going to need your help.”


“A birthday gift. For a family member. A woman,” he said. “Around our age.”

Harper narrowed her eyes. “Like older or younger.”

“Twenty-eight, I think,” he said, making it up as he went. “A cousin, twice removed, so she’s not—”

“A billionaire?” Harper asked, laughing.