Mirth sparkled in the lord’s eyes. “After all these decades, you’ve owed me for many things, and I you. For both our sakes, let’s call it even, shall we?”

“You certainly won’t hear any protests from me. Now come, there’s much to be done.”

Her father led them through the portcullis and onto the castle grounds, dismissing the guards with a wave of his hand. Unlike the royal residence in Beltharos, Innislee Castle consisted of several buildings arranged in a spiral shape, linked by a wide cobblestone path. The servants and guards bustling from building to building paused to bow as the Lord of Innislee passed. As she walked, Riona surreptitiously smoothed the wrinkles from her dress, conscious of the image she presented. She would never be a warrior like Tamriel or Mercy, and her court finery was her armor. Without it, she felt strangely vulnerable.

“Relax, Riona.” Her father gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “You’ve returned to us after facing execution and a bloody civil war. Do you think anyone cares what you’re wearing?”

“I know the importance of keeping up appearances.”

“Then it’s fortunate you won’t be in the presence of the court today. Queen Blair and Amaris are waiting for you in the queen’s chambers. Winslow, the advisors have already gathered in the council chambers. I’ll meet you there.”

Winslow nodded and excused himself, and they continued up the winding path to the royal apartments. It was the largest and grandest of the castle’s buildings, with tall stained-glass windows and ornate scenes from the Book of the Creator carved into the stone façade. Lachlan led her through the foyer and up a twisting flight of stairs to the queen’s bedchamber.

She only made it two steps into the room before Amaris leapt to her feet, tripped over the cushion on which she’d been sitting, and nearly bowled Riona over in a bone-crushing hug. Before she could say a word, Amaris stepped back and frowned at her outfit. “Did you dress that wayvoluntarily?I’ve never seen you leave the house without enough gemstones to finance a small kingdom. Come, we’ll fix that.”

Riona shot her father an amused look as Amaris dragged her over to the bed, where a gown of emerald silk was spread out beside a tray of jewelry. He shook his head, chuckling. “I’ll leave you to it. I’ve already kept the king and council waiting too long. There’s much to discuss in the aftermath of the battle of Sandori.”

“I’ll meet you there once I’ve dressed. Please pass along my apologies for my tardiness.”

He crossed the room and pressed a soft kiss to her temple. “Worry not, my love. Spend time with Amaris and your aunt. I’ll see you both at home for supper.”


“Your opportunity to speak with the council will come soon enough, I promise. At the moment, there are important matters to be settled now that we have no marriage alliance with Beltharos. For now, enjoy your return.”

He turned on his heel and walked out of the room before she could formulate a response. Dejected and a little stung by the dismissal, Riona sank onto the foot of the bed and muttered, “Welcome home, indeed.”

“It never changes, does it?” Amaris murmured, her tone laced with bitterness. “We’re raised to marry well and secure a political alliance, and then we’re cast aside once we’ve outlasted our usefulness. Even your father, good and honorable as he is, knows no better. That will end when I become queen.”

“I hope so. If anyone can change it, you can,” Riona said. Amaris was the daughter of a Selannic nobleman, and she’d lived in Innislee as a ward of Riona’s father since her betrothal to the Crown Prince. In the following eight years, she and Riona had grown as close as sisters. “Speaking of queens, where is my aunt?”

“She stepped out to speak with one of her ladies, but she’ll be back soon enough. In the meantime, let’s make you look like yourself again.” Amaris gestured for her to stand, and Riona obeyed, pulling her dress over her head and tossing it over the nearest armchair.Good riddance, she thought as Amaris helped her into the emerald gown.

“Let’s discuss your marriage to Nicholas Comyn’s nephew. Tell me about Percival. Was he a monster like his uncle? Worse, did you consummate the marriage before it was annulled?” She poked Riona’s stomach teasingly. “Will we have a little Comyn running around the castle come summer?”

“By the Creator, no!” Riona swatted Amaris’s hand away. “We were friends, nothing more. And he is everything his uncle was not: kind, selfless, brave… I was lucky to meet him.”

A stab of longing struck her. Percival had been the only honorable man in that violent, deceitful court, and she had fallen head over heels for him during her time in Beltharos. He had fallen in love as well…just not with her. She couldn’t blame him, no matter how much the knowledge hurt. His monster of an uncle had controlled every aspect of his life since the day his parents died, and he deserved something that was his alone. He deserved to forge his own future with the woman he loved at his side. Even if that woman wasn’ther.

So, Riona had convinced the High Priestess to annul their marriage, and then she set off for Rivosa. It had been the best decision for them both, even if leaving had felt like carving her heart out of her chest.

Amaris heard the slight hitch in her voice. Her expression softened, and she pulled Riona into her arms. “Oh, Riona, I’m sorry.”

“There is no reason to be sorry. I was the fool who fell in love.”

“There is nothing foolish about love. Now let me finish my work, and we’ll turn the conversation to happier topics.”

As Amaris worked, humming softly under her breath, Riona studied her reflection in the windowpane before her. The vibrant silk was striking against her ebony skin, made even more stunning by the collar of raw emeralds that Amaris clasped around her throat, just above her eudorite pendant. The sight reminded her of sitting on her parents’ bed as a child, watching her mother dress for an important state function.

Men like to mock the court ladies for their silks and their jewels,her mother had told her once, gripping Riona’s chin in her slender fingers.But there is power in being beautiful, and even more so in being beautiful and clever. Do not ever forget that, blood of my blood.

“There,” Amaris breathed once she’d finished. She moved to Riona’s side and clasped her hand, gazing at the glass’s reflection alongside her. “Now you look the part.”


The Lady

“When will Domhnall return from Sandori?” Riona asked as she and Amaris settled on the lavish cushions in the queen’s sitting room. Her eldest cousin, the Crown Prince, had led his father’s army to Beltharos to help King Tamriel reclaim his stolen throne. After the battle, he had chosen to stay behind with his men while healers tended their injuries.