Healer Barra moved to the other side of the cot, his assistant hovering over his shoulder as he checked Auberon over, listening carefully to his breathing. The expression on his weathered face did not change throughout his ministrations. For several minutes, the only sounds were Auberon’s shallow, wheezing breaths.

Finally, the healer straightened. “You’re doing well, Your Highness—as well as one could hope after a poisoning of that nature. As long as you take it easy, you’ll make a full recovery. I’d like you to stay here for at least two weeks so we can keep an eye on you. Talcott here will oversee your recovery.”

Auberon’s gaze snapped to Drystan.Two weeks?“But—”

“I’d prefer it if he stayed with me, where our guards can watch over him,” Drystan said.

“I understand, Your Highness, but it’s not wise to move him right now. The poison weakened him considerably, and there is still blood in his lungs. Moving him to the guest house will do more harm than good. You’re welcome to leave guards here, however.”

Drystan glanced at Auberon for confirmation, then nodded reluctantly. “I trust in your judgment, Healer Barra. Thank you for helping him.”

“You’re very welcome, Your Highness. We’ll give you two some privacy. One of my assistants will prepare some tea for you.”

A shadow passed across the prince’s face. “No, thank you.”

The healer opened his mouth, closed it, then said, “If you are concerned about poison, I must assure you that you can trust every member of my staff, Your Highness.”

“That’s what I thought about the banquet staff. No tea.”

“I… Very well. Call if you need anything.” With that, the healer and his assistant bowed and left the room, shooting wary glances at the Erdurian guards as they filed into the hall and closed the door.

Drystan slumped in his seat and ran a hand down his face. “Father warned us of the danger of entering an enemy’s court, but I didn’t expect one of us to be targeted our first night in the kingdom. Thank the Creator you came prepared.”

“The first rule of being a spy: always prepare for the worst. And Osha’s Kiss is about as bad as it gets.”

“So I saw. I thought I was going to watch you die right in front of me.”

“Unfortunately, you’re not quite that lucky.”

Drystan shot him a weary grin, but it quickly slipped. “One of the Rivosi guards came by earlier with an update. They’ve questioned all the servants who worked in the kitchen and banquet hall last night, and they haven’t yet found the person responsible for your poisoning.”

“That’s not what’s most important right now. Itisn’t,” he pressed when Drystan opened his mouth to argue. “We’ll find the poisoner eventually. In the meantime, think of the advantage this will give you in the negotiations! I almostdied. If King Domhnall wants to avoid retribution, he’ll fall at your feet to give you anything you ask. He’ll hand you Rionaandthe eudorite mines.”

“I already spoke to the king. I didn’t demand her hand in marriage.”

Auberon jerked back, his brows furrowing. “What? Why not?”

“I want a wife, not a prisoner. I will not make her my captive.”

“No, you fool. You’ll watch her become someone else’s.”

Drystan scowled. “I made my decision, and it is not your place to question it, Auberon.”

“Yes, I’m well aware.” He shook his head, muttering a curse. “If only I’d been born the Crown Prince. You are too kind for this. I’ll do what I can, but if you lose her to Eamon or Valerian, it’s your own fault.”

“Back to the task at hand. When did you start feeling the poison’s effects?”

“Halfway through my dance with Lady Riona. I couldn’t catch my breath, but by the time I realized what was happ—”

He broke off with a bout of painful, wet coughs. The taste of blood filled his mouth, and he wiped his lips with the handkerchief Talcott had given him. It came away crimson. Guilt flashed across Drystan’s face as he handed over the cup of water from the bedside table.

“It should have been me,” he murmured as Auberon drank. “I’m the Crown Prince—I’m the one competing for Lady Riona’s hand. Why didn’t the poisoner target me?”

“Perhaps he saw my breathtakingly good looks and grew jealous.”

“Please, I am begging you, be serious for once in your life. You first felt the effects of the poison during your dance with Lady Riona, so you must have ingested it only minutes before. Can you recall who had access to your drink in that time period? Who might have had a chance to slip something into your wine?”

Auberon frowned, attempting to recall the details of the night before. His memories were hazy from the pain and poison. He had been sitting with the council members for most of the evening, trying to learn about the kingdom’s politics and the eudorite mines. He had drugged their wine. And then he had dragged Cathal out to the balcony so they could speak in private. The only thing he’d consumed within that time period was the wine that servant had served them.