She pressed a hand to her heart and fluttered her lashes at him. “Why, thank you, my dashing savior. My brave prince. How could I ever repay you?”
“That’s much better.”
“Happy to oblige. How are the troops faring after the battle of Sandori?”
“Quite a few were injured, but we didn’t lose as many as I had feared, so I thank the Creator for that small mercy.”
“Your father still disapproves of your commanding the army, I take it.”
Domhnall sighed. “Have you ever known him to change his mind? He takes no issue with mycommandingthe army. It’s the fighting he abhors, ever since Killian died. He’s terrified of losing another son, but I refuse to sit in this castle and drink spiced wine while our people give their lives for us. Until the crown passes to me, I will stand with them.”
Riona smiled, even though she dreaded losing another cousin to an enemy’s blade. Prince Domhnall had chosen to fight, and nothing would change his mind.Nevis stubbornness,Amaris would have said. “Your subjects don’t know how lucky they are to have you. You’ll make a wonderful king someday.”
“And I have no doubt you will be a wonderful queen…or duchess…or empress. Now, I’ve waited long enough. Which suitor do you favor?”
She drew back. “None of them. I’ve known them for all of a few hours, Domhnall.”
“Really? The way Amaris was swooning over Prince Eamon, you would have thoughtshewas the one marrying him.”
“She very well could. SheisSelannic nobility, after all.”
The prince fixed her with a flat look. “Very funny. She’s betrothed to me, in case you’ve forgotten. And you’re avoiding the question.”
“Precisely. Who does your father prefer?”
He leaned back and gazed up at the stars. “The obvious choice is Prince Drystan. Erduria is rich, has an—”
“I will not marry a prince of Erduria,” Riona snarled. “We can find a resolution for the battles over the Tranquil Sea another way. Marriage is hardly the only method for securing peace.”
“I know, and the blood that has been spilled between our lands won’t be forgotten anytime soon,” he said, setting a hand atop hers. “Moreover, rumors about the Emperor’s spy network are concerning. My father fears that if we agree to a marriage alliance, he will have essentially handed his crown to Emperor Hyperion. He doesn’t want to risk our kingdom’s independence.”
“If Hyperion wanted to send spies into our court, he would do it regardless of a marriage alliance.”
“Yes, but a treaty would make it easier for him to maneuver us into becoming part of his empire. He is the ruler of the largest empire in our people’s history, Riona,” he said, a sliver of fear sliding into his voice. “Men don’t become as powerful as he is without mastering the art of manipulation. Give him an inch, and he will take from us everything we have fought to protect these last thirty years. We’ll be no better off than Kenter.”
The certainty in his tone—the fact that there was no doubt in his mind that Emperor Hyperion was capable of such deception—sent a chill down Riona’s spine. Along with a rush of relief that her uncle, too, had reservations about her marrying Drystan. “What about the others?”
“Prince Eamon would not be a bad choice. Kostos is smaller, but it has control over the Duchy of Kenter. For less reward, there’s also less risk.” He shrugged his broad shoulders. “We shall see which way my father leans once the negotiations begin.”
Riona nodded, mulling over what he’d said. All of it made sense…except that he’d overlooked someone. “What of the other Erdurian prince? He certainly wasted no time in befriending the council.”
“He must be trying to sway them to his brother’s side. My father said Prince Auberon isn’t here to bid for your hand. He only came to attend the negotiations.”
She laughed softly. “Then Auberon has just become my favorite of the lot.”
An elven servant appeared in the doorway across the courtyard. “Your Highness, my lady, His Majesty requires your presence.”
It has been more than five minutes,Riona thought as she tugged on her heels, her sore feet protesting.He’s feeling generous today.
“Thank you,” Domhnall responded, rising and offering her a hand up from the bench.
She waved it away. “Go in without me—I just need a few more moments of peace before I resume being the night’s entertainment.Go,” she insisted when he wavered. “I’m sure Amaris is waiting to dance with you, and you can distract the nobles until I return.”
“Don’t take too long. The suitors will be missing you.”
Then they can have a lesson in disappointment.“I’ll be in soon.”
He nodded and left, the elven servant dipping her head in respect as he passed. The second Riona heard the distant door to the banquet hall latch shut, she turned on the elf. “Why wasn’t I told the suitors would be arriving, Ophelia? You and the others didn’t think I should know that my uncle was planning to marry me off again?”