“Now, Master Kaiden,” the king finally said, his deep voice filling the room, “please present Lady Riona’s suitors to the court.”

Murmurs of excitement spread through the banquet hall as the Master of the Guard disappeared into the hallway. A few moments later, Kaiden returned with four young men in tow.Four?Riona thought, her polite smile faltering. Her uncle had said three suitors would be vying for her hand.

“May I present to Your Majesties the Crown Prince Eamon of Kostos, Duke Valerian of Kenter, and Crown Prince Drystan and Prince Auberon of Erduria.”

Each suitor dropped into a bow as his name was spoken. Riona studied them in turn: Prince Eamon, with his ink-black hair, muscular build, and strong, regal features. Duke Valerian, with his golden curls, easy smile, and toned, lean physique. Prince Drystan and Prince Auberon with their dark hair and tanned skin. Surveying the gathered nobles, Riona spied at least a dozen court ladies fawning over them…and a few young lords eyeing them with interest, as well. Riona wondered idly how the Erdurian princes would respond to the slight of being introduced after the other suitors.

They climbed the steps of the platform to join the royals at the head table. As soon as the suitors had claimed their seats, a fleet of servants poured in from the kitchen. A divine aroma wafted through the air as they set plates before Riona and the others. Conversation and music gradually filled the hall.

“I’ve not had the pleasure of visiting Rivosa before,” Prince Eamon said to Riona in the common tongue of the south, his words tinged with the refined accent of northern nobility. “What I’ve seen of your country so far has been beautiful—almost as lovely as you.”

Creator, spare me.“Thank you, Your Highness. Your position does not allow much time for travel, I take it?”

“Not to the southern continent, unfortunately. The unrest in Kenter often demands my attention.”

“Unrest?” She glanced at Duke Valerian, who was glaring at the prince. The negotiations would not begin for a few days, but every interaction provided an opportunity for one of the suitors to tip the scales in his favor, especially when the king was within earshot. She locked eyes with Amaris, who was hiding her grin behind the lip of her goblet. Three minutes, just as she’d said. Further down the table, Prince Auberon smirked and shot his brother a look that seemed to say,I told you this would happen.

“The dissidents are nothing but a vocal minority,” Valerian said curtly. “Our politics certainly do not require the attention of a foreign king.”

“Of course they do, if you can’t maintain control yourself. My father’s troops have been keeping the peace on the Grand Duke’s behalf for years,” Eamon explained to Riona. “He’s the one whogavethe duchy to Valerian’s father. Whenever there is trouble in the court, we step in to ensure it reaches a peaceful resolution.”

Valerian scowled. “Thetroubleis little more than the grumbling of a few distinguished families. Grand Duke Finnegani may have lost his life along with his throne fifteen years ago, but his friends in the nobility are still alive. Every few years, they gather and demand justice for him, along with a change in leadership.” The duke turned to Riona. “My father swiftly shuts them down every time, right before the Kostori king or his son shows up to claim credit for ‘keeping the peace’. They arenota threat. The lies Prince Eamon spreads to exaggerate his father’s influence, however, are a different story.”

Valerian and Eamon locked glares. The tension grew for several charged moments, until Prince Auberon chuckled. “Oh, of course they’re not a threat. The Finnegani family was soundly defeated in the Kostori siege. There’s no sense in demanding justice for dead men.”

The duke sat back, visibly relaxing. “No, certainly not.” He offered Auberon a grateful look before changing the subject, clearly relieved to return to neutral topics of discussion.

Riona half-listened to their conversation, focusing her attention on the younger of the Erdurian princes. It was odd that the Emperor has sent two of his sons to bid for her hand in marriage. Drystan was the Crown Prince; surely Emperor Hyperion knew that her uncle would favor the heir to the throne. So why had Auberon really come?

Just as she thought it, the prince turned and caught her staring. He raised a brow and shot her a crooked grin, mistakenly assuming she had been ogling him. The gesture revealed dimples that would make most noblewomen swoon.

Riona smiled coyly in response.Let him think me vain. Let him think I can be taken in by a pretty face.While it was true that he was hardly lacking in looks, she was far more interested in the threat he and his brother posed to her country and her future. Between Kenter, Kostos, and Erduria, the Empire was by far the wealthiest—a fact which would undoubtedly benefit them in the negotiations.

Fortunately, Erduria also had the bloodiest history with Rivosa.

Prince Auberon held her gaze and lifted his goblet in a silent toast. In the flickering candlelight from the chandelier, the planes of his face were cast in sharp contrast, emphasizing the height of his cheekbones and the angle of his jaw. He drank deeply from his cup, then nodded to her own as if in challenge. A shock of hair fell into his eyes as he watched her.Trust me,his grin seemed to say.

Riona lifted her goblet and took a drink. The flavors of the spiced wine danced on her tongue, and she savored it for a moment before setting her goblet back on the table.

Give me one reason to,her sly smile responded.


The Liar

Auberon trailed his fingers along the rim of his goblet as the servants cleared the last of the dinner plates. A sour taste filled his mouth as he watched Prince Eamon take Lady Riona’s hand and sweep her onto the dance floor, joining the rest of the noble couples gathering before the dais. He disliked everything about Eamon, and it wasn’t just because he was competing against Drystan for the lady’s hand. Auberon had plenty of reasons to detest the Kostori, but chief among them were; one, they refused to put an end to the barbaric practice of keeping slaves, and two, they were bastards.

He nudged Drystan’s arm and nodded toward the king and queen. “Now’s your chance. Don’t sulk because Eamon asked the lady to dance before you could. Go over there and woo the king. He hasn’t bothered trying to hide the fact that you’re his least favorite suitor.”

“The king? Lady Riona—”

“Undoubtedly has little say in whom she will marry. Eamon was clever with those quips at Valerian’s expense, but he made the mistake of trying to charm Lady Riona. It’s notheryou have to convince, it’s her uncle.”

“Good point,” Drystan said, rising from his seat.

“That’s what I’m here for.” Auberon downed the last of his wine. “To give invaluable counsel, and look incredibly handsome doing it.”

Drystan merely shook his head and walked away.