Page 51 of Throne of Wolves

I considered the question. “Could your magic fix it?”

“I could probably douse all the flames, but it would take most of my magic.”

I shook my head. “No. Houses can be rebuilt. We need to take out the high warlock, before he kills everyone.”Before he kills Xander and Kyle.

I was pretty sure that was going to take all of Michael’s magic, and probably most of mine as well.

If I had any left.

I hadn’t even tried a simple spell in weeks. Longer.

Michael gripped my hand. “My dad’s at our cottage. I can feel him there. We need to get there, surprise him, and take him out.”


“And if you need to run, please do. Go, and save our baby.”

I nodded in agreement. “If I have to, I will.”

“Then let’s go.”

I reached for my magic and pulled it into myself, finding it stronger and more available than I’d expected it to be.


We skirted along at the edge of the forest, heading straight for the cottage. Luckily for us, Xander and Kyle had built their bachelor cabin on the edge of the town, so it gave us some coverage in being able to sneak up undetected.

We passed a small clearing filled with crystals and a buzzing type of energy. Magic. But not evil. This was Michael’s magic, not his father’s.

“Is this where you were meditating?” I whispered, gesturing down at the spot beneath our feet.

He nodded, his eyes blazing with silver magic.

We forged on. My heart was hammering like crazy now, but I couldn’t feel the panic of it. Adrenaline zipped along my veins, pushing away the fear.

We moved closer to the cottage. Michael pointed to the right, indicating that I should head around that way. He took off around to the left side.

I took a few quick steps past the window to our bedroom, each move careful and measured. I tried not to tread on anything that would make a sound, though I doubted it would be obvious to anyone given the burning town and the screams.

The noises coming from the pack and the town were horrible; so loud. And somewhere, I could hear someone screaming and groaning. The voice was familiar.

Was that... my heart almost stopped. Was itXander, making those hideous screaming noises? And... oh, my God.Kyle, too?

I listened hard and beyond the screams I heard the high warlock’s voice. Cajoling, whispering. Evil.


“Dad.” Michael’s strong voice came crashing over the whole lot. “Let them go.”

Oh my God. What’s happening?

I reached the edge of the cottage and risked a glance. I held my breath and moved my head just far enough around the corner so I could see what was going on. Xander and Kyle were writhing on the ground, crying out in obvious agony.

My stomach dipped with horror, then filled quickly with rage. Who the hell did the high warlock think he was? Doing that to the men I loved. Coming into this town, setting every building on fire andtorturingmy mates.

My magic tingled in my extremities, my fingers aching with the need to act. To save my mates. Todestroythe enemy.

I panted hard, trying to catch my breath. A cough tickled in my throat. Then a flash of lightning struck and I realized Michael had just fired something at his father.