Page 49 of Throne of Wolves

Of all the ways to go, being bludgeoned to death by a magical hammer had never been on my list.

Chapter 16.


We’d reversed about twenty feet before Michael swung the car around and threw the gears back into drive.

“Where are we going?” I cried out to him. “We can’t leave them!”

“I know,” Michael gritted out between his teeth. “But we need to find somewhere safe to park the car.”

I gaped at him. “You aren’t going to try and whisk me away like they asked you to?”

He glanced at me as he pulled the car off the road onto a dirt track that led toward the forest. “Would you let me?”

I laughed, half insane with stress. “Of course not. But... thank God. I thought I was going to have to fight you on this.”

He shook his head, carefully navigating through the sparse part of the woods. “No. I know you. And you’d hate me forever if something happened to them and I prevented you from trying to help. Or worse, stood by and did nothing myself to help.”

That was so true, but... “Do you know something I don’t?”

He nodded, snorting in an angry way. “My father’s here. I can feel his presence.”

I didn’t even ask how he knew that. “Then its even more important we stay. They’ll need our magic, such as it is here. We have to help them. He’s here for the wolves and their blood. Isn’t he?”

Michael nodded. “He will be. He’ll want us as well, but Xander and Kyle will keep him distracted to start with, I’d say.”

I shivered against that idea. “Distracted?”

“Yes. Dad will want revenge, and blood.”

The track petered out to nothing and the forest foliage became too dense for us to continue to drive forward, so Michael slowed down and then stopped the car.

“We’ll have to walk back from here.”

I nodded and got out, shaking all over.