Page 46 of Throne of Wolves

Chapter 15.


There was no time. We had to get everyone to safety. “Kyle. Stop the car here. You come with me. Michael, take Monique and go.”

At my direction, Kyle pulled the car over near the first house at the edge of the pack lands. People were screaming and ahead of us, down the road, was more smoke.

“No. Xander...” Monique cried out. “I don’t want to leave you!”

I grabbed Michael’s arm. “Please. Take her.” I didn’t have any more words for him. My wolf was rising inside of me and talking became too difficult.

Michael nodded and I trusted him to look after Monique. I flung myself out of the car, onto all fours, and let my wolf shifter rise up and take over my body. A growl ripped through me, shredding my clothes and releasing my animal onto the world.

Michael switched into the driver’s seat and took off down the road in reverse, before finally swinging the car around and continuing forward. I took a moment to stare after my mate, traveling to safety with our daughter inside her belly. They would survive, and that was all that mattered now.

Kyle had shifted at the same time as me and, shoulder to shoulder, we ran through our town in search of the cause of all this chaos.

Men ran from house to house with buckets and hoses, trying to douse the flames. Kyle and I kept running, in the direction of the town hall where I knew the majority of people would likely have gathered. It is what we’d all been told to do in an emergency, and I assumed everyone not fighting the flames would be there.

When I came across my sister’s house I was unsurprised to find her there and not at the town hall. Her youngest was strapped to her chest while she fought the flames alongside the men. Typical of Mikaela. Brave, and stubborn.

I shifted back to human form and panted, “Why aren’t you in the town hall?”

She growled at me, her eyes flashing yellow. “Mom has the boys. I’m doing what I can.”

I knew she wanted to shift and join Kyle and me, but at this moment, I wasn’t sure which direction I should be heading. I couldn’t tell where the enemy was.

“How did this happen? The whole town is on fire.” Everywhere I looked, another roof burst into flames.

It didn’t make sense. Where was the heat—the attack—coming from?

“We don’t know,” Mikayla yelled above the sound of screams and crashing buildings around us. “It just... started.”

I glanced over at Kyle, who’d shifted back to human as well, and was standing behind me listening.The high warlock and his followers. “They’re here.”

Kyle nodded and the air rippled as he shifted back to his wolf form. We were essentially safer in that body. Faster. Tougher. So, I shifted back, too.

We needed to hunt down the high warlock and stop him. By any means possible.

Kyle and I ran the rest of the way to the town hall, which at this point, still stood untouched, safe and dry. It was full of our pack’s older women and youngest children.

Every man from ten years old and up was out in the town fighting the flames. It was up to Kyle and me to find the attackers, and somehow stop them.

After a quick look inside the hall, Kyle and I ran to the edge of the forest, but we could see nothing out of the ordinary.Where the hell was the attack coming from?