Chapter 11.
I couldn’t have been happier about the baby, or the fact that my three men appeared to be ecstatic with the pregnancy as well. That little plastic test had changed everything.
The very next day Xander dragged his parents and his sister over to our cottage for the announcement, and I was brought into the fold with open arms.
Mikayla apologized for her lack of hospitality, putting her rudeness down to having six kids under twelve and being unwell from her last birth. I knew that she’d been lying about her real reason for staying away, but didn’t want to make a scene and call her out on it. She couldn’t control how she felt about me and I knew the truth. She was jealous, it was obvious, and a little angry too. And rightly so. The council and the alpha had chosen to hide the truth about the curse from her for far too long. She had a right to be indignant.
One morning, not long after the men had all left to work on our house, she popped her head in.
I wasn’t up to responding, but I waved at her with my free hand while my other held my hair back. I had my head in the sink, vomiting up the cup of tea and cracker I’d managed to keep down this morning.
“Oh, you poor thing.” She said, shutting the door and coming to sit at the table. “Not something I miss.”
I dry retched another couple of times, tears springing to my eyes as I gagged and gagged.
When I was finally able to stand up straight without wanting to vomit again, I washed my mouth out with some warm water and sat down with her at the table. “I can’t wait for this part to be over.”
Mikayla grinned at me, her bright blue eyes flashing with mirth, the same way her brothers did. “Second trimester is my favorite. You’re not sick anymore, and you’re not the size of a whale yet either.”
She unwrapped her baby from the carrier strapped to her chest and moved her top aside to expose her breast. I couldn’t help but look at the swollen red nipple, wondering how feeding worked.
Mikayla caught me staring and said, “Oh. Sorry. I assumed you wouldn’t mind?”
“Oh, I don’t.” I said shaking my head. “I’m very interested to be honest. Does it hurt?”
Breastfeeding was encouraged in my coven, but done in secret. I’d never even seen a baby fed like this.
Mikayla put the wriggling infant straight on her nipple and arranged her arms to hold the baby with ease. “It does in the beginning, but you soon learn to work around it. I’ve been lucky. Comes pretty natural to me.”
I watched with interest as the baby practically attacked her nipple and began to drink, the room filling with a contented and rather noisy suckling sound.
“This one is a little piggy, aren’t you my darling?” Mikayla said, sweeping her hand around the infants head and cradling him to her.
“He’s beautiful, Mikayla. Really beautiful.” I couldn’t believe in a short space of time, I’d have one of my very own. It was too perfect for words.
“How’s everything been with the pack since Mom got stuck into everyone?” Mikayla asked, flipping her long dark hair over her shoulder.
I chuckled at the expression. “Less hostile, which has been nice.” The men of the pack had been a lot more tolerant of Michael and myself recently, and the almost daily visits from my sister-in-law were nice too.
“There’s a town meeting this afternoon. You should come.”
I glanced up from watching the baby and frowned at Mikayla. “Oh? What’s it going to be on?” None of the guys had told me about any meeting.
Mikayla grinned at me. “The pack want to go out in search of their fated mates, but the council still want them to stay home and wait. It’s gonna be full on.”
I shivered at the idea of all that tension. Aggressive, angry wolfy males. “As long as they still don’t blame me.”