Page 26 of Throne of Wolves

Monique’s happiness was everything.


And if she was unhappy, then I’d move heaven and earth to make her smile.

“Kyle!” Xander called out after me, but I kept marching, furious at the man I called my best-friend. He was so wrapped up in playing nice with the council he didn’t realize we could lose her. Lose them.

Monique didn’t need to stay here. She could disappear with Michael and never come back. We had to do something. But how the hell was I going to change Xander’s mind without beating it into him- which wasn’t really an option. Twice my size, he’d kick my ass, but that wouldn’t stop me from trying.

Technically, we were both betas after all. He wasn’t Alpha yet.

I stormed into the cottage and slammed the door shut behind me.

Monique jumped. “What’s wrong?”

I growled and shook from head to toe. “Just... Xander. I better go cool off in the shower.”

I was shaking, and I didn’t want Monique, or Michael, to cop it from me because I was angry at Xander. I needed space, and a distraction.

Monique seemed unaware of my state of my mind, because she tip toed over to me and kissed me softly on the lips. “Want some company?”

Did I want to sink into her body and lose my worries in her? Absolutely!

“You sure you’re up to it? I’m not going to be gentle.” I couldn’t be. Not with the type of energy buzzing through me.

She grabbed my hand and tugged me towards the bathroom.

If she was sure, then I wasn’t going to try and talk her out of it.

I didn’t hesitate, I swept her up into my arms and marched through the bedroom. “Michael?” I called out. “You coming?”

The warlock was hot on my heels. “If I’m invited.”

Monique giggled as I set her on her feet in the bathroom and began to strip off, “Always.”

I took her against the tiles in the shower, how water cascading over our naked bodies. Again and again I pounded into her. She cried out with every thrust, her nails raking my back in a frenzy of need.

When we came together my body exploded with sensation. Every nerve fiber sung with the joy of finally finding my mate, loving her, feeling her around me.

Michael was gentler than I’d been, but he seemed just as urgent. He turned her around and took her from behind, with her beautiful hands splayed against the tiles.

After they’d both called out their releases, I staggered to the bedroom. Within moments they joined me and I held Monique in my arms, vowing to pack up the moment she wanted me to.

This town was my home, but she was my family.