Page 24 of Throne of Wolves

She ran off to the bedroom and Michael stared after her, a big dopey smile on his face.

“Hey, Michael. Is she okay?” I called out to him, unable to shake the feeling that something was wrong with her.

The warlock nodded though his dark eyes became even more shadowed. “Yeah, she’s okay.”

The tones weren’t right, and I was pretty sure he was hiding something. There was wrong about Michael’s overall energy too.

“Hey, you okay?” I asked him, realizing I hadn’t checked in with him for ages.

Michael shrugged and thrust his hands into his pockets like a bashful child, but didn’t answer. Not a good sign. But before I could open my mouth to ask him again, Monique came bounding back into the room with a grin on her face. “Let’s go!”

I chuckled at her enthusiasm. It really had been too long since she’d gotten out. Obviously. I opened the front door and slung my arm casually over Monique’s shoulders. I’d missed touching her, so was keeping her close.

We began walking along the road towards the new house site and she flinched into my side. “What’s wrong?”

“Oh, nothing.” She said, but pressed closer.

I glanced over to the other side of the road where I saw a group of young guys smoking and glaring at us.

My hackles came up and I barked at the group. “What’s your fucking problem?”

They jumped and hurried away, mumbling something incoherent.

“I thought so.” I growled after them, then pulled Monique tightly against me. “Jealous wankers.”

“You think they’re jealous?” Monique whispered, looking up at me with wide, big, worried eyes. “They don’t just... hate us?”

I glanced over my shoulder at Michael where he walked behind us. His face was twisted into a grimace. Monique had said ‘us,’ which meant Michael was feeling the same way she was about the pack.

“They are definitely jealous.” I affirmed, continuing to march towards our new house site. “They hate the fact Xander and I went out and found a fated mate. They’re all just lonely and wish they were us.”

“But they hate the fact I’m a witch.” Monique added.

“They don’t know anything about magic, or witches. We didn’t either before we met you.” I sighed, annoyed at myself now for not addressing this earlier. “I’m sorry to say the pack is ignorant as hell when it comes to anyone outside of this town. It’s sad, and stupid to think I used to be one of them. Not anymore though.”

I grinned down at my mate then looked at Michael to give him a nod. The atmosphere between us shifted and when we finally reached the house, Monique and Michael were smiling.

“Oh my god! It’s huge!” Monique cried, rushing up to the space where the front door would go, then paused. “Can I go in?”

“Of course.” I’d put the roof on this week and there were stairs that went up to the second floor as well. It was looking more and more like an actual house now.

“Looking good, Kyle.” Michael said. “You’ve done a great job.”

“Thanks, man.” I said, clapping him on the back as he walked around, checking everything out.

Monique sighed and squealed happily. I followed her around, pointing out where everything would go when it was finished.

Michael stood in the front corner of what would be our dining room, looking out the window. I walked up to him, my gut twisting with tension the closer I got to him.

“What’s going on with you?” I asked him.

He crossed his arms over his chest and stared out onto the road. “I don’t fit, Kyle. No-one wants me here.”

“Monique does.” I corrected.

He sighed. “And that’s why I’m still here.”

But from the sounds of it, he begrudged the fact. That didn’t stand us in good stead for the future. I narrowed my eyes at him. “What are you really worried about?”