Page 1 of Fearless Protector



Failure was relative. The original plan for his trip to Canada to help Ronnie had fallen apart. He was supposed to swoop in, sort things out, and send her on her way, back to school for graduation. Instead, Ronnie was now in charge of the farm, raising the little boy her dad had fathered during his affair, and definitely not going back to school. She’d wrapped up her classes, and they rather unceremoniously mailed her a diploma.

If those were the measures of success, he’d blown it. But there were less tangible things that had to be taken into consideration. Ronnie seemed happy, almost relieved. Like jumping ship from the life she’d been living was overdue. She loved the farm and had Carter by her side. Wasn’t that important too?

It didn’t mean everyone back in Boston was convinced. They were holding their breath until the contracts were signed and the temporary custody order for Sammy was approved. Once he and Cleo had managed all of that, they finally seemed to collectively agree this plan was satisfactory.

Now it was time to check out of the hotel in the small town and head back to Boston. The city was calling his name. The quiet out here was stifling. The chirping birds were a poor substitute for waking up to the sound of sirens and trash trucks. He missed his favorite bar and the quick trips to the ocean when he needed to clear his head. No one out here talked like him or dressed like him... mostly in his favorite sports team’s gear. Here it was overalls and cowboy hats for the most part, and he stuck out like a sore thumb. But that was over now. Boston was calling.

Finally, he could part ways with Cleo, who might be a professional lawyer, but her full-time job was to drive him crazy. Now it was time for her to clock out. Her services of hounding him to grow up would not be needed anymore.

“The jet is running late?” Cleo asked as she dragged her bag behind her and hustled to catch up to him. “I thought I was going to miss it. I’m sure you would have held them for me.”

“A peaceful flight home on a private jet all by myself or waiting for you to catch up and talk my ear off about the ethics of adoption law would have been a tough choice for sure. But I didn’t need to hold them up for you; they’re late. Weather in Boston.”

“I would gladly sit in silence if you didn’t propose such ridiculous caveman-like solutions to everything. I’m sorry, the plan can’t always involve beating someone up or threatening to cut their brake lines. Occasionally we have to be adults.”

Nick checked his watch and sighed. “Did you eat?”

“No, I was trying to make sure Ronnie had everything she needed for her first in-home visit from child services. She was freaking out, so it took me a little longer than I thought.”

“Sammy is happy there. It’s obvious.”

“Unfortunately, they can’t just factor in how much a child smiles.”

“Maybe they should.”

“It’s a complex issue. There are so many things that go into ensuring the home is safe and suitable.”

“You don’t think it is?”

“I didn’t say that,” Cleo groaned, their normal sparring about to begin. “I think Ronnie and Carter did an amazing job having the modular home installed and furnished appropriately. They’ve already got the second home on the back of the property nearly finished. But the social worker will have plenty of questions about their situation. They are making this enormous commitment to each other and to Sammy, and they haven’t been together very long.”

“They’ve known each other since they were children.”

“Why are we arguing about this?” Cleo asked as she too checked her watch. “We’ve done absolutely everything we can to set Carter, Ronnie, and Sammy up for success. I am sure it will work out.”

“I’m not arguing,” Nick cut back. “You are.”

“Do you never get tired of the back and forth?”

“I do. Trust me, I do.”

“Then let’s just drop it,” Cleo suggested. “And feed me, please. I’m starving.”

“This airport doesn’t have too many options. Let me make a call and see what time the jet will get here. I’m sure they’ll have a meal set up.”

“Did you ever think that would be a sentence you’d be saying? You’re going to check on the ETA of the private jet coming to pick you up.”

“My parents would be shocked for sure,” Nick chuckled. “But not your parents, right? I get the impression you’re no stranger to traveling in comfort.”

“You’d be surprised,” Cleo replied in her usual platitudes and deflection.

“Are you ever going to tell me about who you really are? I’ve never met anyone as guarded as you. There must be a good reason.”

“Maybe,” she shrugged. “Or maybe I just enjoy making you wonder. Go make your call and figure out when we can get out of here. I can’t wait to get home.”