“Right now, I just want to get you home, get you showered, and have Doctor Brown come in and check on you.” My hands tremble as they trace over her features.

Sadness and guilt flicker in her blue eyes, and those two emotions mixed together frighten the hell out of me.

“Do you… do you want to come home with me still?”

I don’t know what I’ll do if she says no, but I would learn to deal with it. I can figure out how to give her some space if that’s what she needs. However, if she tells me she doesn’t want to see me again, I’ll probably have to take her hostage all over again.

“I do. I want to come with you… but I’m going to need some time… and space. I need more freedom, and I need you to trust me, because after all of this, trust is something we need to work on.” Her eyes skirt from mine. “And I want to see my sister…”

I try my hardest to hide the hurt from my eyes, but this fucking kills me. It hurts so fucking bad I might as well have shot myself in the chest. But if this is what she needs, then I’ll give it to her. If she wants space and time for us to work on things, I will make it happen.

I’ll give her what she wants, for as long as I can.

“Whatever you want, Mouse, and you can see your sister whenever you want. I know where she is, and she is safe.”

“She is?” Her eyes light up.

“Yes, I’ve seen her briefly. She looked fine, happy even.” I’ve seen my Mouse cry many times but never with tears of joy. She is so happy hearing about her sister, and I am more than fucking glad that I could at least give her this happiness.

“I’m not going to give up on you, on us. I’m sorry for everything, for hurting you, for fucking up.” I wish she could feel the pain I feel over hurting her. “I’ll do whatever I can to prove that to you every single day from here on out.”

“I know you will, Xander. You’re a good man, even if you don’t think so.” She pats a hand to my chest and presses a kiss to my cheek. Tears fill her eyes, making the blue seem darker. She shivers, and I pull away, shrugging out of my jacket. I drape it over her slender shoulders.

“Hate to break up the show, but I really want to get home to my wife.” Damon’s voice interrupts the silence.

I nod curtly, understanding completely where he’s coming from now. If Mouse wasn’t here with me right now, then I’d be headed right back into her arms.

“Let’s get you back to the house and cleaned up,” I whisper into her hair, telling myself that I can do this. I can be the man she needs me to be. Now that my father’s dead, I can let go of the darkness, of the pain. I can find happiness with Mouse and show her the same love she’s shown me even when I wasn’t worthy of being loved by her.

Chapter 20


“Your blood pressure is good. You have some bruising as well as some cuts and scrapes but you’re in good health. Drink plenty of water and get some rest. I’ll come in another four weeks to check on you and the baby. If you have any problems before that, just give me a ring and I’ll be over.” Doc Brown gives me a gentle smile and packs up his stuff.

We are in the guest bedroom where I slept last night, since Xander apparently renovated his bedroom. Silence blankets the room, and Xander doesn’t say anything even after the doctor walks out of the room, leaving us alone in the bedroom. Instead, he remains seated beside me, his hand holding mine. I wonder if me telling him I wanted a break, some space, hurt him?

“Are you okay, Xander?” I prod quietly. It had only been twenty-four-hours since Xander saved my life and killed his father. During those hours, he’d been mostly quiet, answering only questions that I asked, or engaging in conversation if I started it.

“I’m fine, Mouse. I just want to do the right thing. I want to be the man that you’re proud to have as yours.”

I was an emotional wreck, and everything he said seemed to turn the water works on. Sitting up on the bed, I dangle my feet over the edge while facing him. “I’m not leaving you, Xander. I just need some space. Some time to digest everything.”

“I know,” he responds, a sadness trickling into his voice.

“Then why’re you acting like I’m leaving you?”

Xander doesn’t respond. Instead, he pushes from his chair and comes to stand in front of me, pushing my thighs apart, before moving between them. I’m in nothing but one of his t-shirts, and the fabric rises up as he does so, exposing my bare pussy.