With the crowbar heavy in my hands, I prepare myself to use it. I hear men walking away from me and for a moment, I think there might be a chance they won’t find me. My hopes are short lived when I hear a twig snap to my right, and a large figure cloaked in darkness appears at my side.

The urge to scream is strong but I know it will only give me away, so I swallow it down. I swing the crowbar in the air and hit the guy with all the strength I have left inside of me. My arms shake with the effort, and I end up hitting him in the shoulder instead of the head, where I was aiming.

He grunts and grabs the bar from my hands, pulling it out of my grip like it’s nothing more than a piece of paper. I twist around and run the other way, but I only make it a few steps before another body slams into me, knocking the breath out of me and sending me to the wet ground. Rough hands grab onto my shoulders, holding me in place.

“Running is going to cost you extra, babe,” the bastard whispers into my ear, and I grunt, trying to buck him off of me, but my weight is nothing compared to his. He presses his hardened dick into my backside, like this kind of thing turns him on or something.

“Let me go,” I snarl, digging my fingers into the dirt for leverage.

“No can do,” he mutters, his body moving off of mine. I attempt to make a run for it, but I don’t even get up off the ground before he has his hands wrapped around my middle. He picks me up like I weigh nothing and throws me over his shoulder. Then he slaps a hard hand to my ass.

I grind my teeth together, holding back the yelp of pain.

“You should be glad you didn’t hit my head with that thing. I would have been taking my turn before the boss got a chance.”

“You’ll never get a chance. Not if I kill you all.” I pound my fists into his back, refusing to give up on escaping.

“Boss didn’t tell me you were such a spit-fire.” The man carrying me chuckles, continuing his walk back the way we had just come. “I really hope that he leaves you alive so I can play with you later. You’d make a great pet.”

I grit my teeth in anger. I’ve never felt so much fury in my life.

The nameless man carries me all the way up to a house I had missed when I was running away. There are lights on inside that emit a small glow of light onto the outside porch. I look down, watching as the grass changes into patio stones beneath us.

“There she is.” I want to throw up just hearing his voice.

“You didn’t tell me she was such a feisty one, boss. I’d love to keep her as my pet.” The man holding me lifts his hand, placing it on my ass cheek. I’m pretty sure I’m going to kill this bastard as soon as I get the chance.

“Let go of me,” I seethe, pushing upward with my hands. The man’s hand digs into my ass cheek, causing me to cry out in pain. A bubble of fear fills my mind. They are going to rape me, I know it. I can feel it, but I have to protect the baby above all else… I need to survive if only for him or her.

“You can have her when I’m done with her. That is if she survives what I have planned.” Xander’s father’s voice cuts off my train of thought.

The sound of leaves rustling off in the distance has me lifting my gaze to the woods in front of me. I can’t see worth a shit, but I know something is out there, lingering right on the edge of the clearing.

“Where do you want her?”

“I’ll take her from here.”

The man swings me off his shoulder and sets me on the ground. He pushes me forward, making me lose my balance and fall to my hands and knees.

The men all start laughing. “You better get used to that position, whore.”

“Xander will come for me and kill you all,” I lie. I’m not sure if he’s going to come for me, not after the way things ended between us, but a part of me hopes he will, and that’s enough for me to lie to the bastards in front of me.

I barely finish the thought when I hear a sound coming from directly behind us. The illuminating moon in the sky casts a dim light over us, and I catch a glimpse of a large figure moving behind Xander’s father.

Everything seems to happen so fast. One second, I am standing, and the next, I’m crouching down on the ground. Gunshots start going off around me, the thud of bodies hitting the ground fills my ears, and the metallic smell of blood fills my nostrils. I flatten myself to the cold patio pavement, trying to stay out of the gunfire. The last thing I need is to get shot. My gaze swings around but it’s so dark and there is blood everywhere. It’s hard to make out what is going on, and who is who.