“Don’t accuse me of shit you have no proof of… not that it would matter anyway. If I wanted to snap her neck right fucking here, right now, it wouldn’t matter. There wouldn’t be a damn thing you could do about it, would there?” I dart an eyebrow up in question, knowing damn well there is nothing she can do.

“Xander…” There’s a warning to Damon’s voice, and I have half a mind to tell him to get back on the plane and go home with his pain in the ass wife, but revenge against our father is half his, so I bite my tongue this once.

The limo rolls to a stop, and I peer out the window, realizing we have arrived at the hotel.

“Let’s go to our rooms and then meet for dinner in an hour’s time.”

Damon nods, taking Keira’s hand in his. We all exit the limo at once, and I pull Mouse into my body as soon as we step outside. “We need to get invited to this auction, and I know just the guy who will let us in, but it would be better if we are all seen together. So, Keira, maybe you could stop being such a raging bitch and…” My voice trails off at the murderous rage appearing in my brother’s eyes.

“She’s my fucking wife.” Damon looks like he is about to punch me in the face, so I decide to leave it at that and walk away with a smirk, guiding Mouse toward the elevator. Mouse’s eyes are wide and full of wonder as she looks at every single little thing, as if she’s a little kid in a candy store for the very first time.

She looks happy, and her smile widens. Well, that is until she sees me.

“I’m sorry…” she mutters beneath her breath, and I usher us into the elevator, wanting to tell her she has no reason to be sorry… not for this.

“Don’t be sorry, Mouse. I enjoy seeing your smile,” I whisper, my hand against the small of her back as more people pile into the elevator. I pull her as closely against my body as I can and watch the numbers tick upward, stopping here and there to drop people off.

When we reach the very top floor, we get off and I enter a special code into the door, opening it and ushering Mouse inside. Our luggage has already been brought up and is waiting for us at the door. I roll it to the bedroom with Mouse following me closely. She looks like she is afraid of touching anything or stepping onto something she isn’t supposed to. Obviously, she’s not used to staying in five-star hotels.

I get out Mouse’s dress and lay it down on the king-sized bed. When I turn around, I nearly run into her, my hands grasping onto her arms. She looks up at me through light brown lashes, her big blue eyes full of unknown emotions.

“Do you think we will really find her?”

I release her and turn around and walk toward the floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the Strip.

I need a fucking drink in order to deal with all of this. My own emotions are conflicting with the things I must do. I know letting Mouse in will only hurt her, but the idea of actually having her fascinates me. I want to throttle her and make sweet, sweet love to her all at once.

“I don’t know, Mouse.” I turn to face her, seeing the sadness flicker in her blue depths. I want to remove that sadness and replace it with pleasure, desire, need, anything but goddamn sadness.

“We need to get ready for dinner. Would you like to join me for a shower?” I start to strip out of my suit, undoing the cuffs and my belt, shucking my shirt, pants, and shoes to the floor. I remove every single piece of clothing, feeling her eyes on me. As soon as I start walking toward the bathroom, she stands undressing herself as she follows me, leaving a trail of clothing behind her. Turning the shower on and all the way to hot, I grab her hand and tug her inside with me, closing the glass door behind us.

When I turn around, she’s turned away from me with her face directly under the water. I take the opportunity to take in every inch of her perfect ass, as well the slope of her back, and her long strawberry-blonde hair that hangs down it. I envision myself wrapping my hands in her hair and fucking her. My eyes move down to her ass again.

Fuck, I’ll claim her there soon, too. Every part I can weasel myself into, I will claim. But for right now, I want to return the favor and give her the same fucking pleasure she gave me earlier. Licking my lips, I take a step forward, stopping only once I’ve pressed my hard front against the curve of her back. Her skin is soft, and I want to mark her skin, make it known that she belongs to me and only me.