When I hear the water shut off, I down what’s left of the bourbon, letting the warmth of the liquid give me the courage I need to finish the job.

Will you live or die to today, Mouse?

Chapter 5


I step out of the luxurious shower and wrap myself up in one of the fluffy towels hanging from a rack. I take my time drying off, all well wondering what I should expect when I step out of this bathroom. My body is still shaking, from fear or cold I don’t know really.

Could be either or both at this point. I start to dry my hair and play his words inside my head. He said it’s either sex or death… and somehow, I doubt he wanted me to get clean so he could kill me. On the other hand, he gave me a t-shirt.

His t-shirt. I shake my head, confusion over his words coursing through my body.

Why would he want me to cover up if he wanted to fuck me? Maybe he is just saying these things to keep me scared? But he did kill one of his men for me, so obviously, he doesn’t want anyone else to have me? But he also said he may kill me, even after having sex with me. I’m so confused by him. Everything he says and does is a contradiction, but my gut tells me that he won’t kill me.

I eye myself in the mirror for a moment. The bruise on my cheek isn’t nearly as bad as I’d have expected it to be. The hit itself hurt more than the actual bruise looks.

My wrists throb, but the pain is a great reminder that I’m alive, at least for now. My gaze moves over to the bathroom door. I know I can’t hide out in this bathroom forever, no matter how badly I want to, and something tells me that the longer I take in here, the angrier he is going to get out there. And if he’s angry, he’s less likely to bargain, and if I want to make it out of this alive, I’m going to have bargain every single thing I’ve got.

I take the plain cotton t-shirt and slip it on. The material is soft, and I relish in the warmth it provides me. My gaze slips down to the discarded lingerie on the floor. I want to burn them, rip them to shreds, but instead, I pick them up and toss them into the trash can. I don’t care that I don’t have any panties. I’d rather be completely exposed then put those disgraceful things back on.

I walk slowly over to the door, pulling at the hem of the t-shirt. It rests just above my knees, confirming just how much bigger Xander is than I, but still, it’s not long enough. Twisting the door knob, I walk out into the dark bedroom.

It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust to the lighting but when they do, I notice Xander sitting on the very edge of the bed. The first thing I notice is the gun lying next to him. I think about running back inside the bathroom, but what good would that do me?

He’d just follow me and shoot me anyway, and as badly as I want to run, running will not get me out of this situation.

Gathering all the courage I have left in me, I walk up to him until my bare legs are almost touching his covered ones.

“What now?”

“Give me a reason not to kill you, Mouse. One single fucking reason. If you can’t give me information, then offer me something else that will make me want to keep you.”

My eyes widen as he picks the gun up. He doesn’t point it at me, but it’s still a threat looming between us. I know it would only take a second for him to raise it and pull the trigger.

“I would tell you if I knew anything… I would help you catch your father if I could, but I swear I don’t know anything. I can’t give you any information when there is none to give. I don’t have money or anything else to offer you. All I have is myself… that’s all I can give you. Me… if that’s what you want. I’ll give you me, if it’s the only form of payment I can give you in return for letting me go.”

My heart races, slamming against my ribcage painfully. I can’t believe I just said what I did. I just offered myself to this man who already told me that he’s either going to hurt me or kill me, but for some reason, I can’t believe he would do the latter. Xander’s dark eyes meet my frightened ones. There’s a curiosity in his gaze as it flicks over my body. I can practically see what he is thinking, and the thoughts make me shiver.