
Holly impresses me more with every day that goes by. She’s a fast learner and anything I ask her to do is done with speed and accuracy. She is determined to excel at whatever task I set her, and I have grown accustomed to her being by my side.

For the most part, our relationship is purely professional and I’m longing to change that because just breathing the same air as her is interfering with my rational mind.

My days are spent resisting my primal urges where she’s concerned and my nights spent jerking off like a high school jock desperate for sex.

I’m in an intolerable situation and something has to give before I go insane.

We are working in my den as usual, and Holly sighs and lowers her laptop lid.

“Is there a problem?”

I look at her sharply and she shakes her head. “I could really do with some fresh air, if I’m honest. I’ve been here already for the best part of a week and haven’t even seen the sunrise.”

“Do you make a habit of that?”

“Every day.”

She looks a little lost as she says softly, “When I was growing up, I was shipped from one boarding school to another. It wasn’t a happy time and I never really fitted in. The only pleasure I got was to get up early and go for a jog, ending up on the ridge above the school and watching the sunrise. I always wished on that sun signifying the new day.”

“What did you wish for?”

“A different life. One where I wasn’t under someone else’s control, able to make my own decisions and do what was right for me.”

I choose my words carefully. “Control can be liberating if placed in the right hands.”

She spins on her seat and looks at me from under those long, dark lashes, with a mixture of curiosity and fear.


“I could show you but I don’t think you’re ready.”

I hold my breath because this could just be the break I need and she says shyly, “I’d like to know more.”

Putting my pen down, I stand and note the interest in her eyes as I walk toward her. Crouching down before her, I take her hand and love how soft it feels in mine.

Her breathing is irregular and her eyes are bright and I say huskily, “If you place your trust in one person one hundred percent, it can be a beautiful experience. Somebody who places your interests above their own and will do anything to make things right for you. In return, you relinquish control and trust them completely. Only then do you benefit from the full experience.”

“That sounds—scary.”

I see the doubt in her eyes but she’s interested, that’s obvious and I stroke the back of her hand, loving the shiver that passes through her as her eyes burn with lust.

“I can’t give you the sunrise, Holly, not yet, anyway, but I can give you a different kind of freedom.”

“What do you mean, surely I can watch the sunrise?”

“There’s something you should know first.”

I’m not sure if this is such a good idea but it would have come out sooner or later and pulling her up, I guide her to the couch and sit beside her, my hand in hers.

“The reason you’re here is to remove you from life.”

“What does that mean?”

She sounds fearful and bit guarded and I sigh. “The whole scene back at Media Corp was engineered for a very good reason. Everybody needed to see you lose your job in a humiliating way.”

“Why, it doesn’t make sense?”