“In what way?” If I could record this conversation, I would, because any tips from the master are worth more than gold and he sighs. “Just stay true to your principles. Never publish anything that could cause destruction because you may never recover from the effects of it and always check and double check your facts.”
For some reason, he looks as if this is a lesson he learned first-hand which makes me curious.
He leans on the table and fixes me with a direct look. “Holly, if I can tell you one thing, it’s this. Think about what you write—carefully. You may have the facts, but they are not always truthful. Think about the repercussions of your article and assess if it makes the world a better place, or just serves to destroy rather than inform.”
“But doesn’t that go against what we do?”
I feel a little confused, and he smiles briefly. “In what way?”
“Well, um, surely it’s our job to report the facts and not dress them up to spare feelings. Isn’t it the sensationalism that sells your news, makes you money and keeps the customer coming back for more?”
“Of course, but it’s knowing what’s morally right and wrong that counts. If you publish a story that causes death, would you do it?”
“Of course not.” I feel shocked and shake my head vigorously. He sits back in his seat and says darkly. “I speak from experience, Holly. I made a mistake, a costly one, and went ahead with it, anyway. The results of that are something I have to live with for the rest of my life and I wouldn’t recommend it. Don’t make my mistakes and if I offer you any advice at all, it’s that. Which brings me back to the reason you’re here.”
“I won’t…” He holds up his hand.
“I get that. I don’t like it, but I understand your code of ethics and admire you for it.”
Well, this is a first, and it takes me back a little. “You mean you won’t ask me to reveal my source.”
He nods. “You know what I want, it’s up to you to decide. Let me just say that the information I seek is important. It could have life-changing consequences, which is why I have gone to such lengths to get it. Once again, you don’t know all the facts and I’m asking you to trust me with this. It’s more important than both of us, Media Corp and has far-reaching repercussions if I don’t discover who gave you the information.”
For a moment I think he must be kidding me because what the hell?
“Is this a joke?”
“Do I look as if I’m laughing, Holly?” He shifts and fixes me with a dark look. “Think about it. You wrote a story about a powerful man who has great responsibility and trusted the facts you were fed. I’m guessing you know that person enough to believe every word you wrote. What if I told you it was fabricated lies because I know the true story first-hand?”
“Um…” I am actually speechless because I hadn’t thought of that. Surely Colton never made this up, for what reason?
Dexter appears to be going in for the kill because he says roughly, “It’s not just the story either, it’s the fact your article escaped the process and ended up in line to be published. Automatically approved, which concerns me the most. How has my system failed and how have you acquired classified information?”
“I’m sorry.” I sound like a child as I realize the enormity of what’s happening here and Dexter laughs dully. “For your information, I’m the least of your problems right now. A bigger bastard than me wants to get his hands on you and I’m the only one standing in the way of that.”
“What the fuck?”
My eyes are wide with horror and my heart threatening to give out on me as my bleak situation hits me square it the face.
“So, Holly, tell me what you know because we don’t have long and if it helps with your conscience, know that you are preventing something that could spell disaster for this country, if not the world.”