As I look around me, I feel my heart beating fast. This is so weird. I’m in a stranger’s apartment, far away from everything I’ve known and loved for the past three years. I have nothing but the small bag I packed and don’t have a clue where I go from here. I have to trust Ryder though, despite what happened he wouldn’t put me in danger or make me do anything I’m uncomfortable with - would he?
I wander over to the window and look at the skyline. The light has changed to a dusky gray and matches my mood perfectly. This is it. My uncertain future. Somewhere deep inside me, a spark flickers. For the first time in my life, I have a purpose. I have an important job to do and I won’t let the Reapers down.
This is my mission, and I very much choose to accept it. This will be the making of Kitty Rogers. No, scrub that, this will be the rebirth of Katherine Rogers. The girl who started life with so much hope and promise before she was dragged kicking and screaming to the gutter. Well, not anymore. Everyone deserves a chance in life and I’m seizing mine with both hands. This will be to my advantage; I’ll make sure of it.
Chapter 2
Iwake the next morning in a strange bed and it takes a moment for the memory of the day before to swim into view. I feel a stirring of excitement. This is it. Today is the beginning of the rest of my life. What happens today will shape my future.
Then I think of the man who sent me here, and the pain hits me hard. The tears burn my eyes as I realize what I’ve lost. Ryder King. President of the Twisted Reapers and the hardest bastard I’ve ever met. No soul, no compassion and no feeling - the man I love.
I push away the hurt because I don’t have time for it. Maybe I’ll revisit it at a later date, but I must harden my heart and swallow my tears because the new Katherine Rogers isn’t Kitty. She was weak and easily led. She wanted a man to define her and there is no room for her in Katherine’s life. However, now she’s my new best friend because she will see me through this.
As soon as I’m ready, I head out to face my future with a confidence I need right now. I will mourn the life I’ve left when my future is decided.
I go in search of Tyler and find him having breakfast. He nods to the seat opposite him and smiles sadly. “It’s funny, but this is a repeat of yesterday. Ashton sat exactly where you are now and look where that got her.”
He smiles reassuringly. “But then you aren’t a frightened young girl who has no way out of a bad situation. I understand you are a strong woman who has not been complacent the last three years.”
Helping myself to cereal, I nod. “Living as a Reaper meant you had to learn to fend for yourself. We were taught to protect ourselves and take no shit. You could say I learned a valuable lesson in my time there and will be sure to put it to good use.”
He smiles. “Tell me about yourself, Kitty.”
I help myself to coffee. “Not much to tell. I have no family to speak of, well, none I want to anyway. I left home at a very early age with no idea of all that is wrong in the world. When the Reapers found me, I was working for a ruthless shit who made my life hell. Luckily, he had pissed off some very high-powered people, and the Reapers were sent in to dispose of him. Snake found me cowering in a room chained to a bed where I’d lived for six months. He brought me to their compound where I lived until now.”
Tyler looks concerned. “So, why did you stay? I heard you just swapped one bed for another.”
I feel the pride flashing in my eyes as I shake my head. “I know you think they used me like every man in my life before. But you’re wrong. They expected nothing from me and built me back from the shadow I’d become. It was completely my choice to do what I did. They looked after me and just in case it escapes your notice because you’re a guy, those guys are seriously hot. Who wouldn’t want a piece of them? The trouble is, I let my heart get involved and now I’m paying the price. Maybe if I’d been content to stay where I belonged, I wouldn’t be here now.”
Tyler looks worried. “You know you don’t have to do this, don’t you?”
Smiling, I set my cup down. “You’re wrong there, Donahue, and you know it. This is something I very much have to do because it will set me free.”
For a moment we just stare across the table at one another. Then he nods and I see the business enter his eyes.
“Then we should begin. We’ll leave in twenty minutes. You have a meeting across town with the man who will place you where you need to be. His name is Samuel Carrington. You may have heard of him, he owns Carrington Steel. Don’t be put off by him, Kitty. He’s every bit as hard as Ryder, but he’s one of the good guys. He’ll tell you what you need to know.”
I feel a flicker of excitement as I contemplate the task before me. I get my revenge on the men who think they have it all. Men who use women for their own pleasure and destroy their lives as a result. Men who dress up their depravity in power and privilege. Men who rule over us and set the laws in place we have to abide by. One woman versus five powerful men. Not just any woman, though. A Twisted Reaper. I can’t wait.
‘Carrington Steel.’
The sign sits proudly over a large impressive building in the wealthiest part of town. Sleek and mirrored and oozing power. I’ve heard of this company before, who hasn’t? This is a landmark around town. Hugely successful and internationally renowned. I wonder what the man in charge is like? I know nothing about him and yet he’s about to decide my future.
I smooth down the skirt I’m wearing and straighten my jacket. Tyler arranged my outfit as the jeans and revealing t-shirt I usually wear have no part in my future. Kitty Rogers, the biker whore, has ceased to exist. Now I’m Katherine Rogers, cool, professional and poised and sophisticated, ready to rock the world to its foundations.
I head inside without a backward glance at Tyler, who dropped me here.
As I enter the large impressive reception, I smile to myself. If they knew what I was, they’d call security in a heartbeat.
I approach the supercilious looking receptionist who regards me coolly and smile. “I have an appointment with Mr. Carrington. The name’s Katherine Rogers.”
She raises a well-plucked eyebrow and consults her screen. Then she pushes a visitor’s book across the desk and says in a bored voice, “Please sign in, Miss. Rogers and take a seat.”
I do as she says and sit facing the reception area. I want to see who works here. The view outside doesn’t interest me, it’s what’s inside that counts now.
Ten minutes later I see a well-dressed lady approaching who smiles warmly.