
‘THIS IS PERFECT.’ BROOKEpopped a chip in her mouth and looked out across the sand towards the ocean. The setting sun had painted the sky a marble effect of pink and red, and the breeze was warm. She threw a chip towards a seagull, hopping on the sand in front of them.

‘It sure is.’ Shifting on the step leading down from the campervan, Max turned and pulled a tartan throw from the sofa running along the back of the campervan and laid it across their knees.

‘Where are we? It’s beautiful.’ She looked across the sand dunes in front of them and out across the vast expanse of sand towards the ocean. She could see the white foam from the waves as the tide pulled the water out into the ocean.

‘It’s West Parr. I used to bring my grandma up here a lot when she had an operation on her leg and couldn’t walk far. There aren’t many places around here where you can drive straight up onto the sand.’

Taking her last chip, she threw it towards the seagull again, watching as it quickly flung it into its beak and gulped it back.

‘Do you fancy a hot chocolate?’

‘You can make a hot chocolate in here?’ She looked behind her.

‘Of course. It’s all hooked up to a gas canister.’ Standing up, Max went over to the tiny kitchen area, which comprised a strip of work surface, a small circular sink, a kettle, and a toaster.

‘I don’t know why, but I assumed it hadn’t been used for a while.’ Brooke reached her arms above her head and stretched.

‘It sits at the end of my grandma’s garden. A narrow lane runs behind the cottages, similar to where Elsie parks her car, and she likes to go out and sit in here for a cuppa some days. She says it reminds her of the holidays we all had together.’

‘That’s lovely. It looks so well kept, too.’

Max nodded before sitting back down and passing her a mug.

‘Thanks.’ Taking a deep breath, she breathed in the rich chocolately steam before taking a sip.

‘Tell me, why did you choose Penworth Bay.’ Max wrapped his fingers around his mug. ‘I’m assuming there are hundreds, if not thousands, of places asking for volunteers. What pulled you to Elsie’s bakery?’

‘Ah, now that’s a strange story.’ Taking another sip of hot chocolate, she looked down into her mug. ‘Before my gran passed away, she gave me a letter and made me promise to visit the bay and open it there.’

‘Oh wow. I wasn’t expecting that answer. What’s in the letter?’

‘I’ve not opened it yet?’

‘Really? How come?’

‘That sounds weird, too. When I read her letter, it will be the last time she communicates something with me. The last time I read one of her letters for the first time. Does that make sense?’ She shifted on the metal step and glanced at him. ‘It sounds daft, doesn’t it?’

‘Not at all. It makes perfect sense.’

‘But I know I have to read it while I’m here and I don’t want to read it just before I leave either, in case she’s recommending somewhere to visit or something. I want to have time to go and see what she wanted me to.’

‘You think that’s what’s in the letter?’ He placed his hand on her knee.

Focusing on the light of a boat on the horizon, she nodded. ‘She loved visiting different landmarks or places of interest. If a place had something to do with a myth or legend or something, we’d jump in the car and go and find it.’

‘That’s cool. I wonder what it is she wants you to visit?’

Brooke shrugged and leaned against his shoulder. ‘I’ve no idea.’

‘It’s pretty cool, though. Your grandma leaving you the letter and instructions on where to open it. It gives it quite a mystery.’

Brooke smiled. ‘Yes, it does.’