Chapter Sixteen

‘Here we are.’ Slowingthe campervan, Max turned.

Brooke read the large sign above the turning to the car park. ‘We’re playing crazy golf?’

‘Yep. If you want to, that is. I remember you said you used to play when you were younger.’

‘Yes, with my granddad.’ He’d remembered her saying that? She hardly remembered mentioning it herself, and he’d remembered?

‘If you don’t want to, we can find something else to do.’ He paused, the engine idling, and looked at her. ‘We could go to the arcades or for some dinner or something? Maybe catch a film?’

‘No, crazy golf will be lovely. I just can’t believe you remembered, that’s all.’

Nodding, Max pulled into a parking space.

‘Be prepared to lose, though.’ Brooke laughed as she jumped out. She hadn’t played crazy golf for years, but he didn’t need to know that.

‘Oh, I’m very much prepared to lose. I was always rubbish at any sports involving an ounce of hand-eye coordination at school and I’m sure this won’t be any different.’ Locking the campervan, he jogged around the vehicle and held out his hand. ‘Shall we?’

‘Yes.’ Taking his hand, she grinned. ‘I still can’t believe I didn’t realise how you felt about me until yesterday.’

‘Nor can I. I thought I was making it pretty obvious.’ He chuckled and held her hand up to his lips, kissing her knuckles.

‘I think I must have been so focused on looking for dates on the apps that I didn’t notice.’

‘You didn’t notice me?’ Holding the palm of his hand against his chest, Max widened his eyes in mock-shock. ‘I’m offended.’

‘You know what I mean!’ She laughed. ‘I noticed you, but it never occurred to me that you’d think of me as anything other than friend material.’

‘Maybe that’s what I’ve been doing wrong all these years. I’ve been too nice for my own good.’ He chuckled.

‘Yes, maybe.’ Brooke laughed as they paid and chose their golf clubs. ‘I’m just glad Ollie told me.’

‘He told you?’

‘Well, no, he didn’t actually tell me. I think his words were something like, he couldn’t break a mate’s confidence, but... or something like that anyway. He made it pretty clear without actually telling me.’

‘I’m glad he did.’

‘Me too.’ Turning, she took his hands in hers, their golf clubs knocking together, and kissed him.


BROOKE CLOSED ONE EYEand lined up her shot before swinging her golf club towards the ball. She watched as it sped over the dips and rises before disappearing through a plastic castle and slowing to a stop inches away from the hole.

‘That’s close.’ Max held his golf club up and swung it towards his ball.

Laughing, Brooke watched as the ball careened across the ground, over a short wall and rolled along the path leading between the sections of the crazy golf court. She jumped the low wall, retrieved the ball and placed it back where it had been. ‘Sorry, I shouldn’t laugh, but you weren’t kidding when you said you had rubbish hand-eye coordination, were you?’

‘Nope. I probably didn’t let on quite how bad I was, though.’ Shaking his head, Max lifted the golf club again.

‘Hold on. Try holding it like this.’ Standing behind him, she placed her hand over his and rearranged his grip. ‘Now try. Focus on the ball and where you want it to go.’

‘Okay. Here goes nothing.’ Bringing the club back, he swung at the ball again and watched as it moved swiftly along the course, through the plastic castle and bounced into the hole. ‘Hah. I won!’ Lifting his golf club above his head, Max grinned.

‘You did! Well done! That was great.’ Stepping towards him, she waited until he’d lowered his arms, his golf club resting behind her back, and hugged him. As their lips touched, she closed her eyes and whispered against his lips, ‘Thank you for bringing me here.’

‘I’m glad you’re enjoying it.’ Dropping his golf club, he wrapped his arms around her, enveloping her in a hug. ‘As long as you won’t be a sore loser.’