‘It’s always a bit of a shock, the first week of the school holidays, but luckily we’ve got both you and Heidi with us, so we should cope. I’ll bring this lot out as soon as they’re done. They always go down a treat with the kids.’


‘I can’t remember if I mentioned it last night or not, but Max, Annie’s grandson, is going to be decorating the living room and kitchen in the flat upstairs this week. Sorry, what with how busy it all was yesterday, I can’t remember if I told you or not.’

‘That’s okay. What colour are you going for?’

‘A pale green in the living room. Not dissimilar to the one in your bedroom, with a wallpapered feature wall. I’ll have to show you it when we go upstairs. I’m still not sure what to do in the kitchen yet, so Max is going to make a start in the living room first.’

‘Sounds nice.’

‘Oh, could you take those two cakes over to Teresa at the coffee and cake counter, please?’ Elsie pointed the piping bag towards a large coffee and walnut cake and a lemon drizzle sponge.

Broke nodded and picked them up, holding the cake stands carefully. ‘They look delicious.’

‘They seem to be the most popular flavours at the moment.’

No wonder. They smelt delicious. Brooke carefully pushed the kitchen door open with her foot and made her way through to the bakery.

Chapter Five

‘Ooh, are they for me?’ Teresa cleared a space on the coffee and cake counter before taking the cakes from Brooke. ‘Just in time for Annie, too. She loves a slice of coffee and walnut cake.’ Teresa nodded towards the door as Annie walked through with a man carrying shopping bags not far behind. ‘You remember Annie from the dinner yesterday?’

‘Yes.’ Brooke nodded. She remembered Annie. She’d just forgotten that was her name. She’d forgotten half of the names she’d been told yesterday, but she recognised her.

‘She comes in every day for her latte and a slice of cake.’ Teresa glanced at the clock. ‘Although she normally comes after lunch.’

‘Morning, Teresa, dear. Morning, Brooke. I’d like you both to meet my grandson, Max. He’s going to be decorating a couple of rooms for Elsie upstairs.’ Annie rummaged in her bag and thudded her purse on the counter.

‘Hi Max, nice to meet you. Did you both want a coffee and a slice of cake before you begin?’ Teresa shook hands with Max.

‘Good to meet you too. And yes please to the coffee and cake.’ Max smiled and turned toward Brooke. ‘Nice to meet you too, Brooke.’

‘And you.’ Brooke took his hand.

Teresa turned back to Annie. ‘Why don’t you two go and take a seat and I’ll bring your food and drinks over?’