‘You might be wishing you don’t again soon.’ Wendy laughed.

‘Oi, thanks very much.’ Connor looked back at Brooke. ‘I’ll be on my best behaviour. For this evening, at least.’

Brooke smiled.

‘Brooke, love. Come here.’ Standing up from the sofa, Elsie wrapped her arms tightly around her. ‘I can’t imagine how daunting this must be for you, but just remember, we’re all here. Anytime you want to chat or talk things over.’

‘Thank you. I’ve got to admit I was a bit nervous about coming.’ She hugged Elsie back tightly.

‘Well, thank you for coming. Ian’s been looking forward to having a family get-together now he has a granddaughter.’ Stepping back, Elsie rubbed the tops of Brooke’s arms before turning and calling through to the next room. ‘Ian, Brooke’s here.’

Before she’d even finished her sentence, Ian rushed out, letting the door swing shut behind him. ‘Brooke, Max. Glad you could both make it.’ He stopped short just in front of her, shifting on his feet.

‘Go on, give your granddaughter a hug. We all know that’s what you’ve been waiting to do.’ Elsie tapped him on the back.

‘May I?’

Nodding, Brooke stepped towards him, placing her arms around him.

‘Here you go, love.’ Pulling a tissue from her pocket, Elsie passed it to Ian, who stepped back and wiped his eyes.

‘Thank you. It’s just so lovely having you all here together. Brooke, Ollie, Connor... all of you. It really does mean the world to me.’ He dabbed his eyes again.

‘Grampy Ian. Need peepee.’ Running towards him, Hudson held his arms out, waiting to be picked up.

‘Oh, Huddy, what would we do without you to lighten the mood?’ Picking him up, Ian glanced around the room. ‘I take it I’m the one on potty duty then?’

‘He did run over to you.’ Wendy giggled as the room erupted into laughter.


‘HOW ARE YOU FEELINGnow?’ Max followed Brooke into the kitchen.

Nodding, she placed the Tupperware box on the counter. ‘Good. Really good. Thank you for encouraging me to come.’

‘Glad you’re okay.’ Stepping behind her, he kissed the back of her neck.

A piercing scream filtered through the closed door from the living room. ‘What was that?’

‘It sounded like Hudson.’

Brooke followed Max through to the living room and paused. Hudson was sitting on Wendy’s lap, burying his head into the nape of her neck and screaming. ‘What’s happened? Is he hurt?’

‘He’s lost his toy dinosaur. He’s been carrying the T-Rex from the pack you and max gave him for his birthday ever since his party and now he can’t find it.’ Sitting next to Wendy, Connor rubbed Hudson’s back.

‘That’s it. I remember where I’ve seen it now.’ Ian tapped the side of his head. ‘I’m sure I saw it in the bakery kitchen this afternoon. By the sink.’

‘You know what? I think you’re right.’ Elsie turned to him. ‘Hudson stuck him in some bread dough, so I washed it. I must have left it there to dry.’

Standing up, Ian looked down at Hudson. ‘I’ll go and get your T-Rex for you, Huddy.’

‘I’ll go.’ Brooke stepped forward. ‘Please. I’d like to go.’

‘I’ll come too.’ Max took her hand and pulled the front door open. ‘See you in a few minutes.’

‘Are you sure, loves?’ Elsie frowned.

‘Yes. I could do with a bit of fresh air, anyway.’ Smiling, Brooke shut the door behind them.