Kissing the tip of her finger, Max grinned. ‘Go on, then. What’s the long story?’

‘Okay.’ Brooke took a deep breath in. ‘Ian is my biological grandfather.’

Blinking, Max opened his mouth. ‘Sorry, what?’

‘It was a shock to me, too. Everything was in the letter that my gran left me. It turns out that she’d wanted me to come down here to open and read it because she wanted me to find Ian so I wouldn’t be alone. My grandparents adopted my mum when she was a baby.’

‘Wow, and Ian knew he had a daughter?’

‘No, he didn’t know. My mum’s mum, Nancy, didn’t even tell him she was pregnant.’

‘That must have been a massive shock for you.’ He gripped her hand tightly.

She nodded. It was. I only found out a few hours ago and then Ollie ran over to say you’d been brought here just as I’d broken the news to Ian.’ She shrugged. ‘I don’t think it’s really sunk in yet.’

‘No, I can imagine.’ Wincing, he leaned up on his elbow. ‘I’m so sorry. I should have been here for you. I should never have gone back. I should have put you before the business, before everything.’

‘You weren’t to know. Nobody was. It certainly hadn’t crossed my mind that the letter would reveal a big family secret.’ She smiled sadly. ‘Besides, you’re back here now.’

‘Yes, for what good I can be.’ He looked across at his cast. ‘Maybe this is karma’s way of getting back at me for driving away in the first place.’

Laughing, Brooke shook her head, turned to the bedside cabinet and poured him a glass of tepid water. ‘Here’s to us. And a new start for both of us.’ She took a small sip, grimaced at the taste, and passed it to Max.

‘To us and new beginnings.’ Holding the plastic cup up, he downed the water as a look of pure disgust flashed across his face.

‘Nice isn’t it?’

‘Umm. It almost tastes dusty.’ He passed her the cup back before laying back on the pillows.

‘You look shattered. Get some rest and I’ll be back here as soon as visiting hours start.’ Leaning forward, she kissed him. ‘I love you.’

‘Please don’t go.’ Gripping her hand, Max blinked, his eyes drooping despite his best efforts.

‘Time’s up, I’m afraid. I’ve given you a lot longer than I should have done.’ The nurse who had shown Brooke in pulled the curtain open and tapped her watch.

Slipping her hand from his grasp, she leaned forward and kissed the top of his head. His eyes were closed already. ‘Love you.’

‘Love you too.’ Max whispered.