‘She did? She spoke to you?’

Brooke nodded and traced the pad of her forefinger up and down his thumb.

‘I’ve signed the business over to them, warned my regular clients, and I’m moving down here to start afresh.’

‘You gave up your business? You worked hard for that, though.’

‘I know, but what good is it if it causes me so much worry? Starting that business was supposed to be less stressful than my previous career. Besides, there’s someone in Penworth Bay that I’m very much hoping will forgive me and give me a second chance.’

Shaking her head, Brooke smiled. ‘Oh, really?’

‘Yes.’ Pulling his hand gently away, he tried to push himself up to sitting. Grimacing, he took a sharp intake of breath.

‘Careful. Here, let me help you.’ Jumping up, she fluffed up his pillow before he lay back against it.

‘Thank you.’

‘Carry on then.’

‘Where was I?’ He grinned. ‘Oh yes, I was about to get down on my knees and grovel.’

‘Well, I guess I should probably tell you that I forgive you before you do that and give yourself another injury.’ Leaning forward, she brushed her lips gently against his.

‘Hey, there’s no need to be quite so gentle. I’m not going to break.’ Placing his hand on her arm, he pulled her towards him.

‘Umm, your plaster cast suggests otherwise.’ She laughed before closing her eyes and kissing him.


‘KNOCK, KNOCK.’ IANpulled the curtain open slightly. ‘Hello, Max. Good to see you.’

‘Hello, Ian.’ Holding his hand out, Max clasped Ian’s hand. ‘Thank you for driving Brooke over.’

‘You’re welcome. I’ll leave you both alone again, but I just wanted to let you know, Brooke, that I’m popping down to the cafeteria before it closes. I’ll pick you up something to eat too, love. Do you want anything, Max?’

‘No, thanks. I don’t think I could eat anything at the moment.’

‘Okay.’ Ian turned to Brooke. ‘I just didn’t want you thinking I’d left without you.’

‘Thank you. I don’t mind getting a taxi back if you need to get back?’

Dismissing her offer with the wave of his hand, Ian shook his head. ‘I’m not about to abandon you when I’ve only just found you, love.’

‘Thank you.’

‘Take as long as you need.’ Holding his hand up in a wave, Ian closed the curtain again.

Max frowned. ‘What did he mean by having only just found you?’

‘Ah, now that’s a long story.’

‘Well, I’m going to be here a while.’ He smiled. ‘But first, can I just tell you something?’

‘Of course.’

‘Taking her hand again, Max squeezed. ‘I love you, Brooke. I really do.’

‘I love you too.’ Leaning forward, she gently ran her finger over his lips. ‘I really do too.’