She nodded. ‘Yes.’

‘That’s okay. You don’t have to think about it all now. Why don’t we concentrate on Max tonight? We can think about everything else another time.’

‘Yes. I like that idea.’ Shifting in her chair, she wrapped her arms around Ian’s neck and relaxed as she felt his arms encircle her. She wasn’t alone, after all. She had Max, and she had family, even if it was a family that would take her a bit of time to get used to.


‘HI, ARE YOU BROOKE?’ A nurse peeked around the door of the waiting room.

‘Yes. We’re waiting to see Max. Is everything okay?’ Sitting bolt upright, Brooke watched as the nurse stepped inside.

‘Everything’s fine. Max is doing really well, which is why I’m here. He’s come round from the anaesthetic now and is asking to see you.’ Grinning, the nurse held the door open.

Turning to Ian, Brooke grinned. ‘We can go and see him!’

‘You go, love. I’ll wait here for you.’ Ian nodded.

‘Are you sure?’

‘I am. Give him my love though, won’t you?’

‘Yes, I will.’ Standing up, Brooke followed the nurse to a small ward opposite the nurses’ station.

‘He’s in the second bed from the last.’

‘Thank you.’ As she walked down the row of beds, she paused at the end of the second to last bay. The curtains were drawn. What if he didn’t really want to see her? What if he’d just asked for her when he’d been feeling woozy from the anaesthetic? Or what if he hadn’t been travelling back to the bay to see her? Annie may have got that wrong, been confused and upset.

‘Brooke, is that you?’

She smiled. He sounded groggy.

‘I can see your sandals. I know it’s you.’

Stepping forward, she slowly drew the curtain just enough to slip through. ‘Max.’ She paused. The right side of his face was bruised, and a gash sliced through his eyebrow and along his forehead. His arm was in a plaster cast and an IV drip trailed from his hand.

‘It looks a lot worse than it feels.’ He chuckled before bringing his hand up to his jaw and rubbing it.

‘What happened?’

‘A lorry decided to have an argument with my car and cut me up on a roundabout.’

‘You could have...’

‘I didn’t. I’m going to be just fine.’ Holding out his hand, he waved her towards him.

Taking his hand, Brooke felt the familiar warmth of his skin against hers and perched on the edge of the bed.

‘Just don’t look at my forehead.’ He moved the arm in the cast slightly to indicate the cut. ‘Although, you’re in the right place if you do faint.’

She smiled slightly. ‘It’s more the sight of my own blood...’

‘Thank you for coming.’

‘Why wouldn’t I?’

He squeezed her hand. ‘I’m sorry I broke things off with you. I had so much to think about and I just couldn’t see the bigger picture.’

‘Annie said much the same thing.’