‘Why don’t you go and have a nap? You’ve not taken your lunch yet either.’ Diane waved to a customer before glancing across at her.

‘Thanks, but I’d rather be working. I need to keep my mind busy.’

‘Fair enough.’ Diane nodded. ‘Although you do realise that when Elsie realises you’ve not had a break all day, she’ll force you to take one, don’t you?’

‘Umm.’ Brooke nodded and looked towards the kitchen door. She’d just have to tell Elsie what she’d told Heidi and Diane, that she’d rather be working. If she stopped, she’d only start thinking about everything again and she’d spent the entire night reliving her and Max’s last conversation and going over their relationship, trying to work out what she might have done wrong or what she could have done differently.

‘Brooke, dear. Would you mind if we had a quiet word?’

Frowning, Brooke turned. Annie was at the counter. She glanced towards the door up to the flat. Why hadn’t she gone for a nap, as Diane had suggested? She nodded, slipped her apron off, and followed Annie to the table by the window.

‘Take a seat, dear. I’ve ordered you a latte and a slice of coffee and walnut; I hope I’m not being presumptuous. I know I’m probably the last person you want to see today.’

Sitting down, Brooke clasped her hands in her lap. Annie must have seen her glancing longingly towards the door up to the flat. She swallowed. ‘A latte and some cake would be nice, thank you.’

‘Good, good. Here comes Teresa now.’ Sliding her bag across the table, she made room for the tray.

‘Here you both go. Lattes and cake.’ Resting the tray on the edge of the table, Teresa unloaded it before rubbing Brooke’s shoulder and smiling at Annie. ‘Enjoy.’

‘Thanks, dear.’

‘Thank you.’ Reaching out, Brooke pulled a mug towards her and wrapped her hands around the hot ceramic. It wasn’t Annie’s fault that Max had broken up with her.

‘How are you, dear?’

Lifting her gaze, Brooke looked at Annie and nodded. ‘I’m okay, thanks.’

‘I just wanted to say how sorry I am. The way Max has pushed you away; it’s just not like him.’ She shook her head.

‘It’s not your place to apologise.’

‘I know. I know it isn’t and I appreciate you taking the time to talk to me like this.’ She waved her hand between them. ‘I just wanted to see if you were okay and to tell you that this isn’t like Max.’

‘What do you mean?’ She dug her fork into her cake.

‘I’ve never seen him so worried about work before. Not even before he changed careers. He was stressed and overworked, but this is different. He’s built this business up himself and during the last couple of years, he’s thrown his all into it. I’m not excusing the way he’s treated you, the way he’s let you down.’

Brooke watched the half walnut roll from the top of her cake and land with a quiet thud against the plate.

‘He was so upset after your conversation. I truly believe he thinks that breaking up with you and giving you a clean break is the kindest thing to do. When you two were together, he was so happy. I know he wouldn’t have ended it if he’d felt he’d had a choice.’ Reaching across the table, Annie placed her hand on Brooke’s. ‘He told me that he was falling for you. He said he loved you.’

‘Huh, loved not love.’ Brooke slumped her shoulders.

‘Give him time. I don’t think this will be the end for the two of you.’ Taking her hand back, Annie picked up her mug.

‘What do you mean?’

‘Just that, dear. Max doesn’t fall in love easily. He’ll be in contact. I’m sure of it.’

‘Then why did he break it off with me?’ Brooke frowned.

‘It’s only my guess, but I think he just felt entirely overwhelmed and I think he really does feel as though he’s doing the right thing for you.’

‘But he’s not. He’s broken things off with me. That’s not the right thing. He should have let me face everything alongside him.’

‘I know. I’m certainly not excusing the way he has behaved.’

‘If he loves me, he shouldn’t have ended it. He wouldn’t have ended it.’ She looked across at Annie and wiped the pads of her fingers over her cheeks, wiping the tears away. ‘He doesn’t love me.’