‘Exactly. I do feel sorry for poor Gavin some days, though. The thought of him getting the kids awake and ready for school.’ Teresa laughed and then grimaced. ‘And then I remember the pancakes he makes for breakfast and I’m thankful I’m not there.’

‘I’m sure they’re not that bad.’ Elsie pulled a large bowl out of a cupboard.

‘Oh, they really are. I’ll have to bring some in for you one day. There’s usually half a dozen in the food recycling bin when I go and do the school run.’ Teresa began icing some cupcakes, swirling pale yellow icing across the perfectly golden tops.

‘Do you only work the early mornings, then?’ taking a sip of coffee, Brooke savoured the first rush of caffeine.

‘No, I go home just in time to take the kids to school so Gavin can get to work on time and then I come back.’

Brooke nodded. ‘What shall I do?’

‘Finish your coffee first, love. I don’t think any of us could function properly without our morning fix and then if you don’t mind helping, maybe you could start on the pasties? Have you done much cooking? If not, I’m sure we can find you something else to do.’

‘I’ve done a bit. I used to work at a hotel and when any of the kitchen staff was off ill, I’d sometimes stand in for them. I’m not great, but if you tell me what to do, I could have a go at making the pasties.’ Brooke downed the last of her coffee.

‘Sounds like you’ve got a good amount of experience, then.’ Elsie grinned. ‘Is that where you work now? In a hotel?’

‘No, not anymore. I worked there for years, though. Fresh from uni but a couple of months ago I was made redundant when the hotel chain I was working for was bought out by another and they cut staff numbers.’ Brooke shuddered. Everyone said things come in threes and it certainly had for her. She’d lost her gran, her job and then ultimately the small home she rented all within a two month period.

‘Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, love. That must have been difficult for you.’

‘Honestly? Not really. I hated that job. I was literally working to pay my bills.’ She grimaced. She had hated the job. She’d only really taken the job because it had been close to her grandparents and her old boss had promised a billion promotions would be up for grabs. Of course, they never had, but by the time she’d realised what the company was really like, she’d moved into her own place and had needed the wage for the rent.

‘Maybe it was a blessing in disguise then.’

‘Yes, I think you’re right.’ Brooke nodded. It hadn’t been well timed, she hadn’t needed the added stress of finding herself unemployed at the time but then if she’d still had her job, she wouldn’t have been able to carry out her gran’s wish of reading that letter down here in the bay and she certainly wouldn’t have volunteered here at the bakery and spent a few weeks down here. No, if anything, she may have been able to swap shifts with someone and come down for a long weekend.

‘At least you have these few weeks to decide what to do next.’ Elsie slid a well-used and well-loved notebook across the table. ‘If you can’t read my writing or anything in the recipe doesn’t make sense, then just ask, love.’

‘Okay, thanks.’ She looked down at Elsie’s cursive handwriting. She hadn’t really wanted to think about what she was going to do next, not whilst she was in the bay, anyway. She’d been banking on her gran’s house selling and being able to use her inheritance to buy a little time. From what the estate agent had valued it at, she should have just enough to buy a little place and have a couple of months’ living costs on top. She ran the pad of her finger down the list of ingredients. Elsie was probably right, she should probably start thinking about what direction she wanted her life to go and without the stresses of normal life, maybe these next few weeks would be the perfect time. Or if not the perfect time, then as good a time as any.

Chapter Four

‘Are you on that appagain, Brooke?’ Diane waved to her customer before looking across at Brooke.

‘No.’ Slipping her phone into her apron pocket, Brooke could feel the slight warmth of a blush creeping up her neck.