Brooke smiled. ‘Maybe. Although, she has Heidi there too at the moment and Elsie is always busy.’

‘That’s true.’ Connor sighed. ‘Oh well, back to nagging them about it then.’

‘Good luck.’

‘Thanks. I think I’ll need it. Just got to rope everyone else in now, too. There’ll be no escape from wedding talk if I can help it.’ Connor laughed as he picked up the full tray.

Brooke watched as he left the small kitchen before filling another cup and drinking it. She grinned. She was actually going to be staying on at the bakery, in the bay, around her newly found friends. Elsie had thrown her a lifeline. A way out of the confusion of not knowing what to do.

She rinsed the now empty cup and placed it on the draining board. Yes, she knew it was only a matter of weeks extra, but they would make all the difference. She could take her time. Not rush into making plans just because she had to. Besides, when they exchanged on the house, she’d be able to live off that bit of extra money if she still hadn’t decided what direction her life should take.

‘This is where you’re hiding, then?’

Looking up, Brooke grinned as Max walked through the door, shutting it quietly behind him. ‘You’ve got the right idea. It’s like a food fight in a secondary school canteen out there. Food flying everywhere, not to mention kids trying to take jelly and ice cream on the bouncy castle.’ He laughed as he scratched off a blob of something orange from his t-shirt.

‘Here.’ Picking up the dishcloth, Brooke wiped away the blob of food.

‘Thank you.’ Taking the dishcloth from her, he threw it into the sink, took her hands and grinned. ‘So, how many?’

‘How many what?’

‘Food throwers? How many do you want? If you want any, that is.’

Laughing, Brooke looked into his eyes. He was being serious. ‘How many children do I want?’

‘Is it a bit early for this discussion?’ He raised his eyebrows.

‘Umm. It is early.’ It didn’t feel early though. The more time she spent with him, the more she felt as though she’d known him forever. The more certain she was that what she was feeling for him was the real deal. She shrugged. ‘Heck, Connor’s just been telling me how long it took Elsie and Ian to tell each other how they felt. I don’t want to waste a minute with you so, no, it’s not too early for this discussion. Three? How about you?’

Kissing the top of her forehead, he stepped back and looked at her again. ‘I was thinking exactly the same. Although, of course, our children would never throw food.’

‘Umm, right. Of course, they wouldn’t. If you’re telling yourself that, then I’m going to tell myself that our children will sleep through the night from day one.’ She laughed.

‘Sounds perfect.’ Pulling her towards him, he wrapped his arms around her. ‘Even if they throw bolognaise all over our brand new cream carpet and we don’t get a full night’s sleep until they’re eighteen, as long as we’re together, I feel we can face anything.’

Nestling her face against his neck, she breathed in his spicy aftershave. ‘That’s exactly how I feel, too.’

‘Hey, you two. Stop hiding out in here. The kids are leaving now, so we’ve got free rein over the bouncy castle!’ Harry popped his head through the door before leaving again.

‘Ha-ha. Bouncy castle it is then?’

‘Yep.’ Pulling away, she took his hand and led him back into the hall.