‘That’s right. She wasn’t when we started the business, but shortly after.’ He shrugged. Maybe I should just walk away from that business. Let them have it and begin again.’

‘But what about the clients you’ve got on your books?’

‘That’s the problem. A lot of our business comes from property developers who are always adding to their list, so there’s a lot of work there.’ He rubbed her arm as she continued to hug him. ‘Although no amount of money is worth the stress. I mean, that’s why I switched careers because I was trying to limit the stress.’ He shrugged. ‘I don’t know. Anyway, that’s something you didn’t know about me. Now your turn.’

Straightening her back, Brooke stood up and picked up her glass again. ‘I feel as though you know a lot of big things about me. What do you want to know?’

He glanced at her and grinned. ‘Tell me about your first kiss.’

‘Ah, my first kiss. That would be Peter Adler. I was five, and we were playing unicorns on the playground when he called me over to the edge of the playground and told me he had something he wanted to say. I asked him what, and he told me to finish the sentence. He said ‘I... something...you’. I replied ‘like’. He said no. Eventually, he said that he loved me and kissed me on the cheek.’ Brooke grinned. She’d been best friends with Peter Adler right up until he’d moved away. ‘That was my first kiss. Your turn.’

‘Haha, I think my first kiss was a drunken one at a house party.’ Standing up, Max indicated the chair in front of the wheel. ‘Jump on and you can have a go at steering.’

‘Oh no, I’ll probably crash into the river bank or something.’ Shaking her head, she held her palm up.

‘You won’t. I promise.’ He nodded towards the seat.

‘Okay, but don’t blame me if I do and your mate’s boat insurance or whatever skyrockets.’

Chuckling, Max took the glass of wine from her hand. ‘You won’t crash. I promise.’

‘I wish I had as much faith in myself as you did.’

‘Just make small movements to correct the course and try to stay right of the centre.’

‘Right of the centre of what?’ She gripped the wheel so tightly that her knuckles turned white. Was he really trusting her with his friend’s boat?

‘The river!’

‘Right, of course.’

‘There you go. Easy.’ Stepping away, he sat down on the other chair.

Chapter Nineteen

‘Is that your mobile?’ Max nodded towards the cabin.