‘Don’t worry, love. You have your lunch break and we’ll go and have a little look through the books.’ Pausing, Elsie stepped forward and laid her free hand on Brooke’s forearm. ‘How are you feeling now, love? You look a lot perkier.’

‘Much better. Sorry about earlier.’

Waving her hand, Elsie dismissed the apology and smiled. ‘Glad to hear it. Come on then. Huddy, let’s give everyone a little bit of time without worrying about rolls flying around the place and go and choose your cake. I’ve got some chocolate milk just for you, too. Would you like that?’

Hudson nodded before slipping down from Elsie’s arms and running towards the kitchen door.

‘He’s like a different child with his Nana Elsie.’ Laughing, Wendy shook her head and walked toward the door. ‘See you all later.’


Chapter Eighteen

‘Do you want to cometo the pub for dinner with me and Ian, love?’ Elsie looked up from the mixing bowl.

‘Thank you, but I’m going out with Max.’ Brooke slipped onto the stool opposite where Elsie was working and tugged three beaded bracelets over her wrist.

‘Lovely. Do you know where you’re going this time?’

‘Yep. We’re off on a boat ride along the river through Trestow. He’s borrowed his friend’s boat. I’m just hoping he knows how to drive it.’ Brooke grimaced. ‘Sail it! That’s what I mean.’

‘That’ll be fun, then. I should think he does. He was always out on his grandpa’s boat when he was in his teens.’

‘Oh, he didn’t mention that.’

‘He’s a good lad, Max. He’s always taken great care of his grandparents. It’s just such a shame that this silly business with Cheryl has stopped him visiting as much as he’d have liked.’

‘Cheryl? That’s his ex’s name? He’d said he was having problems with his ex and her new partner trying to take over his business.’

‘Yes, she’s not a nice woman, that one. I know she supposedly owns half of the business, but it’s all been Max securing the contracts and doing most of the work.’ Elsie shook her head. ‘I do worry what she’s been up to while he’s been down here.’

‘You think she really can take it over?’

‘Not legally, but from Annie’s been saying Cheryl’s new partner isn’t exactly bothered about what’s right and wrong.’

Brooke twisted her bracelets around her wrist. ‘There must be a way he can protect it?’