‘Nothing. I just know how it must look, me almost fainting because of the sight of a little bit of blood.’

‘Hey, don’t ever apologise for it. It’s just one of those things.’ Rubbing her leg, he leaned forward and kissed the top of her head.

‘It’s annoying though.’

‘I can imagine it would be if you ever wanted to retrain as a nurse.’

She laughed. ‘Yes, I can imagine that would be a little tricky.’

‘Or a vet.’

Brooke nodded. ‘I’ll never forget the first time it happened. My granddad looked as though he might have a heart attack.’ She smiled. ‘We’d gone to the woods and had been climbing the trees when I’d cut myself on a sharp twig. I was only four and whenever my grandma told the story, she’d always say she wasn’t sure who looked as though they were going to faint the most, me because of the blood or my granddad because he was worried about me.’ She laughed.

‘That’s really sweet.’

‘Aw, he was.’ She took a deep breath before shaking her head. ‘I guess I’d better get back. Thank you for being so understanding.’ Standing up, she downed the rest of her tea.

Taking her hand, he looked up at her, a mischievous grin on his face. ‘Thank you for being so understanding about my guinea pig phobia, too.’

‘You’re very welcome.’ Laughing, she leaned down to kiss him before heading back downstairs.

As she pushed the door open, a roll flew at her middle.

‘I’m so sorry.’ Wendy rushed behind the counter and picked it up before stepping back and taking hold of Hudson’s small hand. ‘Someone’s in a bit of a grump today.’

‘Don’t worry.’ Brooke waved at Hudson, who immediately buried his head in Wendy’s jeans. ‘Hello, Hudson.’

‘Sorry. He didn’t get much sleep last night.’ She rolled her eyes. ‘The fact that I didn’t either is not a concern of his. Or is the fact that I picked him up early from the childminder so he could come and choose his birthday cake with Elsie, which is supposed to be a treat.’

‘Aw, bless him.’

‘Anyway, how are you? Sorry, stepping into the path of a flying roll is the last thing you need at the moment. Diane told me you’d almost fainted?’

‘Oh, I’m fine. I just have this stupid phobia about blood.’ Pulling her apron from the peg, she slipped it over her head.

‘That’s not stupid.’

‘Thanks.’ Brooke smiled and turned to Hudson. ‘Are you choosing your birthday cake today?’

Looking out from behind his mum’s legs, Hudson nodded.

‘Ooh, that will be lovely then.’

‘It will be. It’s a bit of a tradition of Elsie’s. She always makes Hudson and Teresa’s kids’ birthday cakes. She lets them look through the cake books and choose too.’

‘Where’s my little Huddy?’ The kitchen door swung shut as Elsie walked into the bakery, holding her arms out towards Hudson. ‘There you are. I can see you.’

‘Nana Elsie.’ Clapping his hands, Hudson ran towards her and clasped her cheeks as she picked him up and twirled him around.

‘Have you come to choose your birthday cake, Huddy?’

Grinning, he nodded and clapped his hands again.

Laughing, Wendy stepped forward and rubbed his back. ‘He’s like a different child now. Elsie, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you he’d been throwing rolls around the bakery, would you?’

Elsie laughed and tickled Hudson under the chin. ‘You wouldn’t do such a thing now, would you?’

‘Hmm.’ Wendy shook her head.