‘Where’s this date then?’

Max glanced at her. ‘It’s about five miles out of the bay.’

‘Haha, very funny. What are we going to be doing on this date?’

He tapped his fingers against the steering wheel in time to the quiet music escaping the speakers. ‘We’ll be doing a spot of walking.’

‘Okay. So, we’re going on a nice walk somewhere then?’ Tilting her head, she looked across at him. He obviously wanted to keep it a secret until the very last minute.

‘Umm... we’re not going on a walk, but there will be walking involved.’

Rolling her eyes, she laughed. ‘You’re determined not to tell me, aren’t you?’

‘Yep.’ Max chuckled. ‘It’s something you’ve spoken about before, so I’m hoping you’ll like it.’

Something she’d spoken about? She shrugged. She supposed she’d just have to wait and see. ‘Oh, it’s Hudson’s birthday party on Saturday. Wendy has invited me and I just wondered if you’d like to come?’

‘Cakes, dancing and party food. Yes, please!’

Brooke laughed and placed her hand over his on the gear stick. ‘I’m not sure how much dancing there will be. He’s turning three. There’ll be a bouncy castle, though.’

Looking down at her hand, Max grinned. ‘I’d love to come. Thank you for asking me.’

‘Good. I need to get a birthday present and so I’m wondering if you could help?’

‘Ah, so the truth comes out. You’re only inviting me because you want help with the birthday present?’ Shaking his head, Max chuckled before turning right at the top of the hill. ‘At least I know where I stand now.’

‘You are male and you used to be three, so I’m kind of thinking you’re in a better position to figure out what a three-year-old boy would like.’ She lifted her fingers slightly as he linked his through hers before changing gears.

‘I’m sure we can find something. Is he into cars? Dinosaurs? Colouring?’

‘I’ve absolutely no idea.’

‘We’ll pop into a toy shop during your lunch break tomorrow if you like? We can have a little look.’

‘Great. Sounds like a plan.’