‘Hi, Jude. Sorry, I didn’t forget meeting you. I’m just not very good with names.’ Brooke held her hand up.

‘No worries. I can imagine it must be difficult.’ Jude grinned.

‘Next to Jude are Olivia and Scott, Carrie and Daniel, Lauren and Charlie, Paige and Owen. You know Heidi and Liam.’ Molly indicated the couple opposite them.

‘Yes.’ Brooke looked across the table as Heidi mouthed Hiya to her.

‘Then there’s Gemma and Matt. And you know Daisy and Ollie. We’re just waiting for Freya and Chris and Wendy and Connor and then that will be everyone.’

‘No, Wendy had to run back to take Ian’s keys to Connor as he couldn’t find his.’ She looked towards the pub door as it swung open. ‘Talking of them. Here they are.’

‘Ah, yes.’ Molly grinned as she stood and weaved her way around the chair to give Wendy and Connor a hug.

A loud squealing noise emanated from the bar area, and Brooke grimaced. ‘What was that?’

‘It was Gerald, the pub landlord, with his microphone.’ Jude chuckled. ‘He’s been using that thing for months now. I might actually offer to teach him how to use it one day. At least it would save our ears.’

Brooke laughed. ‘That might be a good idea.’

‘Sorry about that.’ Gerald tapped the microphone, causing a loud echoing thud to fill the pub. ‘Is that better? Can you hear me now?’

‘Yes.’ Loud cheers rang through the pub while the people at the table nearest the bar began beating their fists on the table and calling for the quiz to start.

‘Okay, okay. Right everyone knows the rules, don’t you? I call out the questions, you write the answers. No conferring between teams unless you’re going to shout the answer out to all the participants...’

‘Here, do you want a top-up?’ Max turned to Brooke, the jug of cocktail in his hand.

‘Umm, yes, please?’ Brooke drank the last few drops of blue liquid in her glass and held it out for him. ‘Thanks.’

‘Question one; name the six main characters in Friends.’ Gerald’s question was received by a loud chorus of cheers.

‘Ooh, we can get this one!’ Teresa held the pen in the air. ‘Chandler.’

‘Phoebe.’ Diane clapped her hands.

‘Rachel.’ Molly whispered across the table.

‘Ross.’ Charlie leaned forward and tapped his fingers against the table.

‘Monica.’ Shielding her mouth with her hand, Olivia quietly called to Teresa.

‘Joey.’ Brooke grinned.

‘Yes! That’s all of them.’ Teresa placed the pen down and sipped her drink.

‘Question two...’

‘Is that your phone?’ Molly nudged Brooke’s shoulder.

‘Oh, yes.’ Picking up her mobile from the table, Brooke rolled her eyes.

‘Was that you? I thought you’d come off that dating app?’ Diane leaned across Max.

‘Not yet. I meant to, but didn’t get around to it.’

‘Are you going to read it?’ Molly nodded towards Brooke’s phone. ‘You never know, it might be the message you’ve been waiting for.’
