‘How did your date golast night?’ Wendy pulled the bakery door closed behind them. ‘Sorry, I would have asked earlier, but we’ve been rushed off our feet. We’ve got a last-minute new client. They were let down by their previous wedding planner and so all the plans are in a bit of a state, so Molly and I have been out most of the day trying to tie up loose ends with their suppliers.’

‘That sounds like a bit of a nightmare.’ Brooke stuck her hands in her pockets and looked out across the promenade down towards the beach. ‘Honestly? The date was a bit of a nightmare, so I’m officially taking some time out from dating while I’m here.’

‘Sorry to hear that. Someone will come along when you least expect it.’ Wendy linked arms with her.

‘Umm, well, I’m not holding my breath.’ If only she’d started one of those swear jars but made people put a pound in whenever they said that Mr Right would come along when she wasn’t looking, then she’d never have to work again in her entire life.

‘That sounded really cliché, didn’t it? That you’ll fall in love when you least expect it. Sorry.’

‘No, don’t worry. It doesn’t matter, anyway. The dates I’ve been on in the last couple of days have shown me that actually, I’m happier on my own than having to spend my free time with someone I’m not in love with.’ It was true. And hadn’t Max said something similar last night? She was sure he’d said something along the same lines? She closed her eyes momentarily, listening to the waves rolling across the beach.

A catchy tune erupted from Wendy’s pocket and she pulled her phone out, speaking into it quickly before looking across at Brooke. ‘I’m really sorry, but Connor can’t find his keys to the lighthouse, so I’m just going to run and get Ian’s so he can lock up and come out. Are you okay if I meet you at the pub? Teresa will definitely be there by now and probably most of the others, too. They’ll be on the big table by the window just as you go in.’

‘Yes, that’s fine. Does Connor work at the lighthouse, then? I thought he worked at Daisy and Ollie’s restaurant?’

‘He does. Ian’s his uncle, so he’s living at the lighthouse.’

‘Ah.’ Brooke nodded. Now Wendy had told her that, she could see the resemblance between the two of them. ‘I’ll see you in a bit then.’

‘Yep. See you.’ Unlinking arms, Wendy turned back the way they’d come.

Looking up the hill, Brooke could see the pub on the left-hand side. Hopefully, Wendy was right and at least Teresa was already there. She didn’t fancy walking into a crowded pub on her own.

As she neared the pub, she could hear muffled voices drifting out of the open windows. Diane had said pub quiz nights drew a crowd in and if the noise coming from the pub was anything to go by, she hadn’t been wrong. She pulled her thin cardigan tighter around her as she got closer. There were a couple of people sitting on the picnic benches outside the bench and someone standing too, hovering by the door. Was that Max? She blinked. Yes, it was.

‘Hi.’ As soon as Max spotted her, he began walking toward her. ‘Connor mentioned Wendy was going to be late, so I thought I’d meet you out here so you didn’t have to walk in on your own.’

Brooke smiled. ‘Thank you.’

‘No worries. How was your afternoon? I didn’t catch you before I left for the day.’

‘Busy. Very busy.’ Brooke shoved her hands in her pockets and followed him towards the door. ‘I don’t know how much help I’m going to be with this quiz. I don’t think I watch enough TV to be any goof with any general questions.’

‘I wouldn’t worry. I don’t think the team wins very often. Although they’ve been relatively lucky the last few weeks. Or so Ollie says.’

‘Have you played before?’

‘Not for ages. I’m ashamed to say this is the first time visiting my grandma in a couple of years. When I lived closer, I’d visit more often and try to pop down to the pub on quiz night. I’ve known Ollie since we were teenagers, though.’ Max held the door open for her.

‘How come you’ve not visited the bay for so long?’ The pub was packed full; teams of people gathered around tables and clusters of customers standing at the bar.

‘Work.’ Max indicated to the right and the large table by the window. ‘It looks as though most people are here already.’

Brooke nodded. Work? Didn’t he get holidays then? He worked for himself; she was sure he did.

‘Brooke! Max! Glad you could make it. Here, come and take a seat. Do you both want a cocktail?’ Teresa held up a large jug of blue liquid.

‘Evening. Yes, please.’ Max looked around the table. ‘Hello, everyone.’

‘Hi, Max. Hi, Brooke.’ Diane and Harry stood up, giving them both a quick hug before leaning out of the way and letting them pass.

‘Hi, thanks.’ Brooke walked past them as Max ushered her in front of him and she slipped into a chair, Max sitting between her and Diane. She turned to Molly. ‘Hi.’

‘Hi, how’s it going? Do you remember everyone here?’

Brooke glanced around as people called across the table, welcoming her and Max. She raised her hand and waved. ‘Not really. I recognise everyone and remember a few names, but struggling with a few.’

‘I was the same. There are just so many names to remember, aren’t there?’ Molly turned to the man sitting next to her and rubbed his upper arm. ‘This is my partner, Jude.’