‘It’s your dinner. I asked Ollie to box it up.’

‘Oh no, I forgot to pay for it.’ She held her hands against her cheeks. How could she have forgotten? And the wine they’d had, she’d had, that must have cost a fair bit too. ‘I’ll go back now and pay. I feel awful.’

‘No need to. I settled the bill before I left.’

‘You did? Why? Why would you pay for my date?’

Max shrugged and looked at the bag. ‘Shall we eat?’

Brooke smiled and walked toward him. ‘Thank you. Yes, let’s, I’m starving.’

‘Me too.’ Sitting down, he patted the sand next to him, waiting until Brooke had joined him before opening the bag and passing her one of the boxes.

‘Thanks.’ Lifting the lid, she took a deep breath in. ‘Yum, this burger smells delicious.’

‘Umm, I’m not sure I can say the same for this.’ He picked up a plain lettuce leaf. ‘I’m sure it’s as delicious as plain salad and plain chicken can taste but...’

Laughing, Brooke pulled her veggie burger in half and passed one half to Max. ‘Here you go.’

‘Thanks. I was hoping you’d offer.’ Taking the half burger, he paused with it halfway to his lips and smiled. ‘I’ve got to say that was an awesome way of getting out of a date.’

Brooke laughed and looked down at the burger. ‘Sorry about that. I couldn’t think of another way of getting him to understand.’

‘Hey, no apology needed.’ Grinning, he held his hands up, his palms facing forward, a slice of lettuce dropping to the sand. ‘Glad to be of service.’

‘Did you hear him still trying to give me nutritional advice when we were kissing?’ Brooke laughed.

‘Yes. I wonder if he’ll give me a discount on his advice services too.’ Throwing his head back, he laughed.

‘We might have to take him up on his offer after scoffing this.’ Still laughing, Brooke wiped her eyes.

‘Just remember to end your message with Beatrice or he won’t know to give us a discount.’

Shaking her head, Brooke shouldered him gently as the first of the raindrops fell from the sky. Sitting there, she turned her head up towards the clouds, grateful to wash away the evening’s disastrous date.

‘Here, so we can keep the food dry.’ Inching towards her, Max draped his coat over his head and placed his arm around her, holding the edge of his coat and shielding them both from the rain.