Max’s voice was unmistakable and Brooke could feel the heat of embarrassment rushing up her face even before she turned around. ‘Well, I’ve changed my mind.’

‘Fair enough. I’ll go on upstairs.’ He held his hands up, two pots of paint in his hands.

Brooke covered her face with her hands. ‘Why does he have to be so annoying?’

‘Annoying? I didn’t think he was annoying.’ Diane frowned.

‘Oh, he is. He gave me a whole lecture before I went out yesterday about safety and questioned me because I’d agreed to meet Benjamin after only talking to him for a few hours, so I told him I’d had a good time.’ She grimaced. She shouldn’t have lied. She should have realised he’d catch her out.

Laughing, Diane turned to face their first customer of the day.

‘Why are you laughing? It’s not funny, it’s embarrassing.’ Shaking her head, she stepped towards the counter. A small stream of customers were now making their way in, and the day looked as though it was going to be as busy as it was yesterday.

‘Oh, it is kind of funny too, though. You’ve got to admit.’

Brooke picked up the cake tongs and turned to the customer in front of her. ‘Morning, what can I get you today?’ How could Diane laugh? She’d pretended her date had been good to save face in front of Max. How was that a laughing matter?


PICKING UP THE EMPTYtrays, Brooke glanced at Diane and Heidi. ‘Shall I take these to the kitchen and see if Elsie’s got any more cupcakes?’

‘Yes, that’ll be great, thanks.’ Heidi turned back to the customer she was serving.

She weaved her way through the queue of customers waiting for Teresa to serve them their mid-morning coffee and used her elbow to push the kitchen door shut.

‘Hello, love. Getting busy out there, is it?’ Elsie wiped her hands on her apron and pointed to the steel table. ‘Just pop them down there; I’ll sort them in a moment. I’ll also take out some more cupcakes and cookies. I take it that’s what’s selling?’

‘Yes, there’s half a tray of cookies left and all the cupcakes have gone already.’ Brooke placed the trays down at the end of the steel table.

‘Aw, they’re always a hit in the school holidays.’ Elsie smiled as she walked towards the back of the large kitchen. ‘I’ve got a bit of a favour to ask you if that’s okay?’

‘Of course.’ Brooke smiled. Elsie’s management of the bakery was the polar opposite of her experience of working for the hotel. Here, Elsie always asked her and gave her the option of how to spend her time in the bakery, whereas her old boss at the hotel would just bark orders and take her and the other members of staff for granted.

‘I’ve made a cake for a customer over in Trestow, but her car’s broken down and she can no longer pick it up. They have a birthday party this afternoon so I’ve told them we can deliver it to them but I won’t have the time, not with all this to finish and getting stocked back up for the afternoon. Would you be able to deliver it, please?’

‘Yes, of course. I haven’t got a car though.’ Brooke pulled her apron off. One day she’d get a car again. When she had a job and was settled and could afford it. She’d tried everything to keep her old blue mini but when it had been the choice between paying for her last month’s rent or two new tyres and the tracking fixed on her car and she’d known the time had come to let go of her pride and joy.

‘That’s okay. Max is popping out to get the wallpaper for the living room and he’s offered to swing you by to drop the cakes off.’

Max? Brooke folded her apron up.

‘Is that okay? I could ask someone else. I just thought I’d give you the option first. The cafe is in Trestow so I thought it would give you a chance to see a bit more of the local area.’

‘I guess so.’ She couldn’t really say no, could she? Elsie was only thinking of her. She didn’t know how annoying Max had been to her. How self-righteous. How...

‘Hi, is everything ready?’

‘Hi, Max. Yes, I think so. I’ve packed the birthday cake and cupcakes in the boxes over there and Brooke has kindly said she’ll come to help.’ Elsie bustled over to the boxes on the far counter.

‘Great.’ Max nodded toward Brooke.

Brooke held her hands out for the boxes and followed Max to the back door.

‘Thanks for this, love.’ Elsie patted her on the forearm before holding the door open for them.

Walking through the small courtyard area towards the gate, Brooke could feel Max’s eyes on her. Pausing, she sighed and turned around. ‘Go on, say it.’

‘Say what?’ Shrugging, Max held the gate open. ‘My van’s parked just down the lane.’