‘Is that why you came to Penworth Bay?’


‘To meet this guy you’ve been talking to?’ He placed the paintbrush back in the pot.

‘No, I came here because...’ What was she supposed to say? That she’d come here because her pate gran had given her a mysterious letter and made her promise to only open it when she’d arrived in the bay? She shook her head. He wouldn’t understand. She wasn’t sure she did, so she couldn’t expect anyone else to. ‘I’ve only been messaging him today.’

‘You met this random stranger online yesterday and now you’re going on a date with him?’

‘This morning. I started talking to him this morning.’ Who was he to judge her? ‘What’s wrong with meeting someone early on? You can’t tell if you have a connection with someone over messages. You need to meet them.’

Max placed his hands on his hips and nodded slowly. ‘I get that. It just seems a little... unsafe, that’s all.’

‘And how would it be any different if I’d started speaking to him months ago?’

‘I guess it wouldn’t.’ He shrugged. ‘Just make sure you go somewhere busy, that’s all.’

‘Really? I hadn’t thought of that.’ She could hear the sarcasm drilling from her words herself. Why did he think so little of her? He didn’t even know her and yet here he was judging her. She wasn’t doing anything wrong by meeting Benjamin.

‘Sorry, it’s none of my business. I hope you have a nice time.’

‘Thank you. I’m sure I will.’ He could forget the offer of a drink now. Was she being daft?

‘You’ve got a bit of paint on your...’ Picking up a paint-stained rag, he walked across to her. ‘...here.’

She looked down as he gently wiped the cloth on her elbow. Great, now she was going to be late and covered in paint. Snatching the rag from him, she scrubbed at her skin. It was no good. It wasn’t going to come off. Shrugging, she handed it back to him and turned away. Her phone pinged. ‘I need to go.’


‘ITHINK I’D BETTERbe getting back now.’ Brooke bent down and pulled her sandals on. She’d been walking along the beach with Benjamin for at least two hours now and all she’d learned about him was that he’d recently bought a new, posh car and he was earning way more than his dad ever had. To say he was materialistic would be an understatement.

‘... And then I’m going to New York for the weekend before travelling...’

She looked across at him as he tucked his gel-slicked hair behind his ears. He hadn’t even heard her, had he? She cleared her throat. ‘I’m so sorry. I’m going to have to get back now.’

‘Get back?’

‘Yes. Thank you for meeting me this evening. I’ll message you.’ She began walking up towards the promenade.

‘Hold on, I’ll walk you back.’

‘It’s really okay. I’m only staying just across there.’ She looked around. The beach was still relatively busy, even though it was almost nine in the evening.

‘I insist. I wouldn’t be very much of a gentleman if I didn’t.’

Brooke stifled a laugh. He hadn’t been a gentleman all evening, why start now? She shrugged. She supposed it didn’t matter. They’d met just outside the bakery, so it wasn’t as though he didn’t know where she was staying. ‘Thank you.’

She paused outside the bakery door and turned to face him. ‘Thanks for a nice walk. Bye.’

‘Are you not going to ask me in?’

‘Eh, no. Sorry.’ Brooke pushed the door shut, locking it quickly behind her and leaned hr back against the door.

‘How was your date?’

‘Max!’ Holding her hand against her chest, Brooke jumped.

‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.’